Trump’s America: The Truth About Our Nation’s Great Comeback 43 min.
Newt speaking at the Heritage Foundation on his second book "Trumps America" said, after researching and writing the book "Understanding Trump", he realized that there are two parts to the great American comeback. He discusses the American patriots who back Trump helping to re-energize the country. He talks about the true test and heated fight between the old failed socialist/communist ideas, and the ideas of freedom enshrined in our Constitution.
He states that the battle will probably get to a point where there will be a backlash at the nations colleges who are teaching outright lies to the students, and that at one point he can see Americans demanding to remove these professors who insist on lying to our young people.
His most interesting idea is that he could see patriots establishing a special "legal fund" for college students to sue their professors for their lying propaganda, outright historical lies, attempts to shut down free speech on campus, and I would add, sue college administrations for hiring all progressive (socialist communist) staff, while refusing to hire republicans/conservatives… etc.
I have been mulling this college professor problem for a while.
Judging from the audience applause, I was not alone thinking this is a great idea.
I think that American people can make the argument that a professor (especially one paid at a public university) owes the public a lesson plan that does not lie about history or the failing results of various government structures that have been tried in history, and they owe our students and parents behavior that supports academic freedom.
I think we should also require hiring of conservative professors so there is a balance of viewpoints expressed, when the issues are not fact based.
We had this problem in science research not long ago.
The public universities use to take our government medical research funds (grants), do science research. Then they would publish it, and charge outrageous fees to see anything more than the one paragraph abstract at the national medical database (pub med). In short they tried to take the public work and profit off of it as if it was private property, while they denied the public the right to see the research results they funded.
This had to be fought and we did win the right to see full research articles if the public funded the medical research.
The legal argument for Americans and the college students would probably go along the same lines. The public should get college professors that adhere to the Constitution, speak, teach, and hire accordingly, supporting academic freedom.
We pay for this with our tax dollars.
Teaching outright lies, attempts to shut out viewpoints when hiring should be prosecuted.