Anonymous ID: b2d0b1 May 18, 2019, 5:35 p.m. No.6531837   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I take the view that bruised eye(s) denote(s) higher echelons of control, like an order of angels, what have you. Cover up left eye and that is representative of a mirror. The mirror shows that one's unconscious is closed off or blocked (left hemisphere). Why? Fans desire to reflect what their impressions. It demonstrates a lack of will - a lack of "think for yourself" or risk be-coming the impressions. Image like X'd left eye blinds. Similar to "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man (right hemisphere) is king."


Tangential …

The word PANIC derives from the god PAN.

"News unlocks map" might also refer to cardinal directions (north, east, west, south) of zodiac: Capricorn, Aires, Libra, Cancer

Capricorn corresponds to PAN & sea goat or half fish, half goat images. Enki/E-A & others. Ruling planet is Saturn. It is said too that Capricorn represents the consolidated mirror image of esoteric elements, fire, water, earth, air, aether.

Nympth Pitys was chased by PAN but escaped by taking form of a pine tree or Evergreen. (Hypostatis of the Archons, Nag Hammadi manuscript, telsl a similar story about Eve in relation to the serpent - serpent being a symbol of water akin to PAN.)

Isaac Kappy didn't cross the bridge, bride being an esoteric principle.


A symbol reference (Capricorn):