Anonymous ID: d175de May 18, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.6534127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4132 >>4171 >>4178 >>4199 >>4209 >>4282 >>4423 >>4426 >>4433 >>4510

>>6531001 PB Traitors spent 20 years Prepping the US for Chinese attack.


>A CHINESE defence firm has unveiled a terrifying new battle truck which can unleash a swarm of killer drones behind enemy lines.


Mebbe stuff like this is why 5g is so important?


If we could guarantee our military and NO ONE but our military handled the 5G, it would not bother me. But read on, because letting private American companies handle this kind of defense system would allow it to end up in the wrong hands. When you are done reading, watch these little drones in action. (vid related) This is why China wants control of our communications systems in the US I fear. For these things to work, China needs facial recognition on us all.



>So wait, the Chinese are actually considering a land invasion of the USA?


>Fucking what?



The Short Answer.


The long answer with details not in the news, lots of personal experience tho:

Hillary was the last 8 years of a 16 year plan to get us ready for the attack. (Anyone that great meme that illustrates the 16 year plan guys….I dont have on this computer)


But the real plans started with NAFTA.

The highway was never mentioned as part of the treaty. IT was discovered after a covert meeting about it caused a brew-ha-ha when Bush II got back from Canada.

NAFTA highway was to be run dead up the center of the country, only 8 on off ramps, cutting our American highways into and east side, and a west side. From Canada, It ran clear down to the west coast of Mexico, making for nice Chinese-Mexico landing and easy movement of tanks, troops etc up the Southern OPEN border. It would…split the country in half. It was sold as "free trade" highway. It was a setup. Things got crazy back then.


If you look at all the other laws they have tried to pass, and all the other things they were doing it gets obvious over time. There are so many things, this post is three pages of war on America prep shit that falls together like pieces to a big puzzle!


The globalist were sneaky about it. They plan on using China.


Bush went to Canada, created the NAFTA treaty to include the secret highway so it trumped the Constitution.

No one in Texas could legally stop their land from being taken to build it, and no "eminent domain" required, because the treaty trumped Constitutional law. They pissed the Texas farmers off… have to admit. They were literally stealing their land and throwing them out of their homes!

Texas got out the guns, that is what stopped it. Two guys shot off the first bulldozers to start on it. Way worse, but far shorter duration than the Bundy Ranch standoff.

DO NOT mess with Texas.

Seriously. It is not just a slogan. Learned that in my life.


Exact same time, FED TRAITORS tried to pass laws to put GPS Location on the nations food supply with the forced chipping of farm animals… location of which was to be sold to the highest bidding company(According to the Ohio Agriculture dept I talked to) (dare I say the info would be sold to China,….. info making a nice bomb run across Americas farms). We stopped these laws in the states.

I know about Texas cuz happened to be working on this crap in Ohio.

Not long after….

Obama got rid of 300+ Generals who would not go along with the plans, he got rid of tons of our nukes, and both administrations let the Chinese shut down our steel/Aluminum plants so our jets were substandard Chinese imported shit steel and now …..looks like they had technology in their chips we used in our military planes, that can cause remote crash of our military jets judging from what I can make of what Q is saying.


At the time these 300+ Generals were fired, I just happened to call HBO to have it turned on temporarily? Ended up talking to someone who claimed to be one of our fired Generals. I shared the NAFTA highway/Animal chipping legal stuff with him. He asked me if I ever saw Jerico. I told him no. He said to make sure to watch it because that was what was going to happen to America if Americans did not wake the hell up. I never forgot what he said, and started to watch.

I remember hanging up the phone, thinking that it was smart for our fired Generals to take up jobs in Americas various communications companies. I was hoping they were getting a plan together. So was everyone else.

Traitor legislators sold west coast port to the Chinese. Looks like Trump got the LA port back so far. Wondering how many they still have?


Things you may not know:


Anonymous ID: d175de May 18, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.6534132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4171 >>4178 >>4199 >>4426 >>4510


Many of us in the rural areas have had Halliburton come around trying to buy up all the oil and natural gas rights/eases on farm land up here in Ohio, Michigan, PA…

Turned out Dick Cheney's Halliburton Co. was fronting for a Chinese firm that would be buying those oil and gas leases, thus buying up American natural gas/oil up here in this upper quarter of the nation. (Our farmers were pissed when we learned about this) MANY of us called the department of natural resources.


Trump just made the Chines sell the Los Angeles port the nations traitors sold to them. (Largest port in America, west coast) and Harry Reed was busy selling them all the federal land in Nevada, so the Chinese could build a solar farm there, and charge Americans for electricity…… THAT was one reason for that "Bundy Ranch" thing few years back.

……you have to wonder what else the Chinese were planning to do with the majority of the state of Nevada, since the Feds now claim to own the majority of the state… .


Dems and many Repubs bought off by the Chinese, selling American mid west states out,…… but why these states?


Because this is where we would create the defense manufacturing plants in a heart beat, in all the still standing, well cared for old WWII structures in the states bordering the great lakes.. These big industrial buildings are where we made tanks, planes etc, because water for serious industry.


Then, there is the drug war, and I do mean war on these upper mid west, St. Lawrence seaway, and upper east states.

Chinese are creating special man made super concentrated bio weaponized fentanyl. Not natural from poppy's. One salt grain size kills up to five people. Soluble in water. They can spray it on anything. They were bringing it across Mexico border and through their "port" then sending it straight to the targeted states that border the great lakes, killing more young people in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania than anywhere else. All data points suggest: They were targeting the industrial heart of the country.. THAT is what the "one to one" correlation with the "job loss" quote meant. People were not getting on drugs out of depression. Kids were having the stuff delivered covertly into their beers at parties.

Average high school graduating class up east here has 30 dead two years out.

My son went to pick up his friend stranded at a party, saw the drink drops happen, went to the principal next day, reported in secret, saved 15 lives cuz neither the kids themselves or the parents knew what was wrong til the principal got the parents to hospitalize them.


The Chinese made a mistake tho………



Anonymous ID: d175de May 18, 2019, 10:50 p.m. No.6534139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4159 >>4171 >>4178 >>4199 >>4237 >>4282 >>4295 >>4426 >>4510

3/3 PB Cont'


They started hiring Muslims in Detroit to deliver the fentanyl laced Heroine (FF style), by standing the Muslims at the stop lights in the summer and throwing it through open car windows…. at ADULTS on the way to and from work!

Naturally, lots of calls to the state reps cuz adults on the way to work won't put up with this shit. Stink they made was so loud we got news of it in Ohio. Everyone up midwest here thought it was the Muslims bringing the stuff in…. cuz Afghanistan?. We did not know it took high tech labs to make this bioweaponized version yet. This version is made in Chinese labs. The chinese are claiming they can not find the labs in the "trade negotiations".

Read that: "No, were not going to stop killing Americans"


THEN… in a real act of stupidity…..


they started going ……not just to the High School partys and dropping the deadly stuff in the kids beers… they started going to RESTAURANT Bar and Grill places and dropping the stuff in ANYONE's Beer, naturally hitting adults.

Hubby had six emergency room nurses show back up at the emergency room they worked in, when this crap was thrown in their beer during a post work birthday party celebration at the local Bar/Grill. It got bad in the mid west, but, when adult nurses all show up with deadly fentanyl laced heroine in their blood at their own emergency room, everyone understood there was a covert war going on. The nurses survided, but, it was investigated…. along with other insanity. We had some 200+ kids killed over a weekend in one city a number of times in Ohio.

Someone was out to kill Americans, and the killing is happening in the states that border the great lakes.

Taken together, Obama shutting down all of our energy, coal, natural gas.

Traitors deporting our Jobs to China because Communists do not allow private property ownership. They were a third world country 20 years ago. Thats not THEIR economy over there, it is OURS transported to get us ready for the attack.

BTW we suspect the Chinese have been buying up the American farms being lost because of the "death tax" that Trump got rid of.

One thing they could not deport:

1/6th of our economy is the great medical system we had. Obama attempted to shred the best medical system in the world. But medicine can not be deported, so it had to be destroyed.

In Obamas 8 years, they nearly destroyed our military, our medical system, our industrial base, our energy system. They were actively covertly killing Americans…. lots of us.

The jerks who run our media, Hollywood, Washington.. they are all in on it.

Now go watch the vid, cuz, you need to see why they want that Chinese company to put all those back door chips in our phones. They need facial recognition to kill us with those things.

Anonymous ID: d175de May 18, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6534282   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Crap. Now that you said that, that is exactly what that General that was working at HBO said to me. What is a "Red Dawn" scenario, briefly. Is there another movie?


ALSO as I was recalling back, the really huge numbers of deaths that happened, where 20-200 kids would suddenly die from this drug over a week or a weekend? It was marajuana laced with this stuff thinking back. Heavy drug users in high school, not as many as pot smokers. Someone was spraying the pot. The reports said it was laced, (obviously, since it would not kill the kids) but, I do not recall them saying with WHAT.

I DO remember that they started letting the police carry NARCAN on them to revive them, so, some kind of opiate?

Anyway, it makes me suspect now that maybe all this marijuana legalization thing suddenly sweeping the states might have something to do with being sure the MJ is grown in controlled green houses with "camera's" running 24-7 like the new Ohio law requires? Ya think maybe the authorities are limiting the kill rate… getting most of the non addicted kids off the "front lines" ??? Maybe using "medical" as an excuse?

MJ is the only medicine that has in't own pharmacies dedicated. Strange huh…..

makes you wonder.

And the red dawn thing.

And what OP said about maybe 5G would be the only way to stop these things?

Some how we have to get to the bottom… get to the truth of these situations.

BUT…. I have ZERO doubt about the war set up on the US.. Too much evidence snaps into place.

Anonymous ID: d175de May 18, 2019, 11:53 p.m. No.6534330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4369 >>4382


Yeah, you know, this is why the 40-60. They know how Americans will react when they figure it out, and no one wants a war. We just have to castrate the Chinese economy. Send it back to third world Commie-ville till the Chinese people decide they want to be a part of the rest of the free world, and they get rid of these communist bastards.

Sad thing tho.

Look what they are up against, now that their military has rolled out these mini drone weapons.

DID you KNOW these things are spoken of in the bible…. that part of the book of Revelation talking about the "stinging locusts"????? that is what these things remind me of.

Anonymous ID: d175de May 19, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6534423   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also forgot to mention that right after NAFTA, while they were going around attempting to take the oil leases and gas leases, all of us farmers started getting this strange annual "Agriculture Census"…. ever heard of an Agriculture Census?

Hey, how many pigs you got. How many cows. How many fruit trees? Do you grow Vegetables?


Sooooo many questions it also pissed off the farmers.

More than half my neighbors refused to answer the stupid AG "census".


Guess if the animal chipping did not work, they were going to get the info some other way.


EVIL people getting ready to starve the country during their war. EVIL.