Anonymous ID: 415faa May 24, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.6578393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8438


you must understand that in wet regions a spillway flooding down a mountainside during a period of rain is a tourist attraction in the dry season called 'a gorge' and they are so common and precious that locals don't advertise them. tehy are Summertime gems and you gotta know where they are.

In the season of the snow melt, or during peak periods of rain they fill right up.


and in most states we don't make a river into a straight line to beneift the special frenz of those in the State Capital who think that water only flows in one direction, and I mean allegorically, for their benefit.


If your river floods it floods. your spillways will fill up. You won't get the same water allotments. You might have a realestate crisis as land values in cut off regions (not to get an allotment anymore) are no longer guzzling all the water that should be for the Central Valley which could be an awesome Venice like place, with wonder ful canals and water shuttles and awesome fresh water fish farms, and wonderful system of gorges leading up to the High Sierra except: the Sacromento Sucker Fish.

Well it's not a fish, but it is a plecko. It feeds off of public infrastructure.


Your 'too much water' is a problem

your 'not enough water' is a problem.

if it rains, if it's dry.

admit it : the real problem is parasitica state governance of water authoritaaaeeyys and corrupt politicians who seemingly have no souls, without a concept of sharing in any real way, and acting high born and holy.


In most regions Californians are for the most part free thinking and hard working: qualities which are high sought by employers.


If it rain : oh no, floods and devastation

if it snows: oh no, highway must close.

if there is a dry season: famine, death, oh the calamity.


your people are trained to go into cirsis mode. Please take a vacation to a rainy mountain place when it's flooding to see: if it floods you go to higher ground.

build above the flood plane.


Dont think your rivers can go in straight lines.

Anonymous ID: 415faa May 24, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.6578492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8510


I've seen him perform numerous times and you, sir, are out of line.

Your slide has been tried numerous times.

we will not abide

your slanderous slide.


It's not Dennis, It's not Micky, It's not any of the performers, who are copious in California, and very social (they have to have an audience).


Given that the Dead were always touring you could probably find the date of the photo and find out where M Hart actually was that day, along with photographs and tapes of a live performance.

That's a bit too much digging for you?

any tapes might be reel to reel?

photographs from a college newspaper?

Anonymous ID: 415faa May 24, 2019, 9:26 a.m. No.6578552   🗄️.is 🔗kun



anon , singling out and bullying people is something that

assholes do

and you are the one doing it.


so . . .

Slander is slander.

Micky is not in that picture.

It's a Laural Canyon photo.

It's not a Beach Boy either.

It's some guy from the manson fam.


I didn't say anything about Pelosi.

She's rather loathsome. In fact

i say tax her free vinyard water allotments as income retroactively. Hows that?


so please if you think that the tactics of bullying work here, you are in the wrong place.

