Anonymous ID: 007ec8 May 28, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.6611917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2055

>>6610893 From last bread on Rockefellers. So was searching Wikileaks on Haiti to see if any stale crumbs to chew on regarding the Clinton foundation. In Podesta's attachments there are of course docs on the foundation and a timeline of how they got involved in Haiti.


Interestingly there was a UN meeting, then an "investor" meeting in 2009 prior to the "event" that kicked off all of the Clinton Foundations "support" for Haiti as we know it, and mirrors the 4 letter financial endowment initiatives that our deep state department negotiated through the Clintons with foreign governments.


This is a theory only, but Haiti being the prize source of Adrenochrome and a great place to "hide" a manufactured weather event, went from past hurricanes and events taking the lives of 100-7000 at a time to in one year having this impact in 2010 alone from wikipedia's list of natural disasters in Haiti:


"12 January: the magnitude 7.0 2010 Haiti earthquake which occurred on 12 at 16:53, local time. The earthquake killed between 46,000 and 316,000 people. Its epicentre was at approximately 25 km from Port-au-Prince, the capital.


A dozen secondary shocks of magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 5.9 were registered during the hours which followed.


20 January: A second earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred on 20 January 2010 at 06:03 local time. Its epicentre was at approximately 59 km west of Port-au-Prince, and at least 10 km beneath the surface.


20 October: A Cholera epidemic hit outside of Port-au-Prince, killing at least 3,597 and sickening over 340,000.


5 November: Hurricane Tomas hits and kills at least 10 Haitians causing damage and worsening the cholera epidemic."


From this event alone the Clinton Foundation got it's web of investors and industry from foreign governments to participate in "rebuilding" Haiti, as well as giving from we the people who thought it was for a good cause only.


In looking at more Haiti/Podesta emails, Podesta was and maybe still is a board member on a climate change organization and the people involved in both the foundation and this organization are suspiciously leaning hard on the angle that food and climate change are at crisis levels that desperately need policy and funding.


Speculation only, however are these "Climate Change" orgs with foreign nations, nationals, banks, and prominent families on their support tab using these orgs as a front to run military ops the like of Project Popeye and Operation Stormfury…i.e. weather manipulation?


Like other political fronts…this smells of a patterned method: in front of the masses drill a narrative about a poor malnourished extreme climate risk location and population, while in the background funding and manufacturing the crisis, laundering the whole thing through a "likely scenario."


Seeding hurricanes in these operations has been happening since the 50s. How many CIA black ops…it just seems to never end.


If I'm way off here, sorry, but this climate crisis to justify lessening fossil fuels at the unmoderated cost of economy and industry, and to pad the UN whore of Babylon stinks worse than a dead genetically engineered fish from China.


Regardless of conspiracy. These people are indeed sick and justice is coming when the Clinton Foundation unravels in all of its sick details.

Anonymous ID: 007ec8 May 28, 2019, 4:06 p.m. No.6612026   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So sad that meetings and recordings more than likely exist then. The choices are jail and sadly execution and even involving the safety of your family or anyone who knows your dealings.


Not gonna be living up to your last name for long with what is coming since you are choosing the hard way.