Anonymous ID: 34a6fe May 28, 2019, 3:45 p.m. No.6611824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2171


I don't say anything about it, prefer to lurk anyway, but the jesusfags sometimes get me down. What about the separation of Church and State? Religion has been used to divide us since for-f*cking-ever. Give it a rest, already. Some of us prefer spirituality over religion. Even Jesus would agree with me, HE told the story of the good Samaritan. And some of us prefer science over the notion of a higher power, as is their prerogative. Doesn't mean they don't feel the wonder and awe of the vast starry heavens.


Point is, NONE of that has ANY business in matters of STATE. Our Fore-Fathers were geniuses when they wrote Separation of Church and State into the Constitution.


And the God of Abraham is a divisive god by nature. Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Mormons are All divisions of the same thing. And the Protestant branch is so divisive there are individual churches which actually believe only their members are going to heaven! Let us not forget that we have already seen a theocracy on these shores: Salem, Massachusetts!