Anonymous ID: 3e1d25 May 28, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.6611717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1737 >>1932 >>1997 >>2170


Sorry to carry this Ramtha shit over from the last bread, but…


JZ Knight is now claiming that her DNA changes to that of a male of "American Indian and Viking descent" when she's channelling Ramtha:


Ramtha should get together with Pocahontas…


In my whole life, I have seldom heard such shit. This is clearly a cult that is clearly nearing implosion. After supporting and financing Democrats for years, JZ Knight announces after the 2016 election that everyone was stupid to think that a woman was going to be elected, and goes full-bore Q.


Can the Ramtha fans produce one piece of evidence that JZ Knight was supporting Trump before the election? I can't find any. She's always supported the Dems and gave them money when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.


JZ Knight boasts about her connections with the C_A, how they use Ramtha material to train agents, etc.


JZ Knight always picks up on the conspiracy de jour, so no surprises that she is clinging to Q now. She has said that she wants to retire, but I don't see this egotistical monster going away quietly. So this whole DNA story is just to test her followers, chase away any who will balk at the Kool-Aid jug. These people live in underground bunkers and are all set for apocalypse, they've been waiting since the late 1970s for the promised Armageddon, they are getting really impatient (I know some of them, they were expecting a big showdown in 2012 and were very disappointed and indeed quite angry when the world didn't end … but they blame the world, not the prophecy).


So my guess is that the C_A is deploying Ramtha to discredit Q, by first endorsing Q, and then imploding dramatically. This DNA horseshit story is a clear sign that the end is nigh for the Ramtha School of Enlightenment.


From the press release:

"There is no doubt in my mind that the DNA from JZ Knight in her everyday life and from Ms. Knight when she was channeling Ramtha demonstrate an incredibly rare scientific phenomenon," said Dr. Matthew Martinez, JZ Knight's personal physician, who collected the cheek swabs and sent the samples at the same time to three different laboratories. "There is no debate – the DNA samples indicate completely different people."


So her personal and very dodgy physician does the tests, and says there's "no debate". An incredibly rare scientific phenomenon indeed. He's right on one score: there is absolutely no debate that this time, JZ Knight has gone for a brazen lie that is so stupid, that only the truly brainwashed can believe it. And those are the only people she wants around as the show winds up.


When I say Kool-Aid jug, I don't necessarily mean they're going to commit mass suicide, but these guys are apocalyptic nuts with underground bunkers and guns. Anything could happen and the fuse is now lit.


Ramtha is a surprisingly malignant and toxic fraud, the Ramtha followers I know are completely arrogant, think they know everything and are the chosen elite of the planet, and yet I cannot find one single scrap of anything of any worth in all this garbage, not even a decent aphorism or meme.


JZ Knight wanted to trademark the expression "So Be It". That just about sums her up. Moneygrubbing and totally fake and totally hokey. Her bodyguard, who was with her day in and day out for 18 months, said he never once saw a single thing that he felt was authentic. She's not even a good actress, her Ramtha voice slips and changes, especially when she's been chugging too much wine in a "wine ceremony", where everyone chugs wine when she does.


What she has, is a very good memory, to the point where one has to think mind control. She boasts about having extended periods of lost time. This is a dead giveaway that mind control may be involved.


One of her top associates, one Miceal Ledwith, was defrocked by the Catholic church for heresy and has a very dodgy background abusing young men, which he's managed to get away with. This guy is an absolute snake-oil merchant, but he was on Vatican committees and knows just how to oil that snake, if you'll pardon the expression.


The Ramtha School of Enlightenment is actually a really amazingly toxic and dark operation, and anons should be very careful of such lying imposters who are now claiming to be "patriots". They undermine your credibility in drastic ways.

Anonymous ID: 3e1d25 May 28, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6612036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2065



– But Tuesday evening, Gowdy told Fox News that Power told his committee that she was not the official requesting that unmasking in every case. "I think if she were on your show, she would say those requests to unmask may have been attributed to her, but they greatly exceed by an exponential factor the requests she actually made," Gowdy said.


"So, that's her testimony, and she was pretty emphatic in it," he added. "The intelligence community has assigned this number of requests to her. Her perspective, her testimony is, they may be under my name, but I did not make those requests." –


So if she didn't make these hundreds of requests: who made them in her name?


I read her overweight book on genocide, the whole of it, and she was champing at the bit to use US military might to go and bomb people like Gaddafi in the name of "human rights". That whole Libyan fiasco can be laid at the feet of two very nasty women, Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power. Anyone remember Sydney Blumenthal telling Clinton that Libya was to be her defining moment in history, and she should choose stirring words to mark it? She came up with "We came, we saw, he died, cackle cackle." Killed by a mob with a bayonet up his backside, very funny for Hillary Clinton, her kind of justice.


What might be appropriate justice for Samantha Power? She's "pretty emphatic" that she did not motivate these unmaskings, but we don't see her being pretty emphatic about finding out who was violating national security using her name.


These people think they're clever. They're not. They're just used to getting away with whatever crap they pull. There is obviously something extremely nefarious going on here with these unmaskings. Oh yes, Samantha Power deserves to be in the news, all right.