Anonymous ID: fa6cbc May 28, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6611834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous 05/28/19 (Tue) 08:27:00 8eb7f2 (9) No.6607722>>6607725 >>6607735


File (hide): 0ebfd989a3be639⋯.png (193.77 KB, 394x463, 394:463, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)




You don't understand in 1917 Russia would be speaking German if not for America


Why Did Russia Drop Out of World War I?


On Dec. 15, 1917, Russia and the Central Powers declared a cease-fire. Negotiations ensued. Because Russia was in such a weakened state, Germany dominated the talks. Finally, through the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia lost a million square miles of its territory, a third of its population, and a significant amount of its industry and oil, iron and coal stores. In November 1918, however, when the Central Powers lost the war, this treaty was annulled, though Russia did not get back its lost territories.

Anonymous ID: fa6cbc May 28, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6611936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In the old country, my surname was Gaelic for "helmet head" because my ancestors like to fight. Really … they LOVED to fight – 40 of them, all related, died in battle over the right to pasture ONE PIG on 1/8th acre of land after a stream changed course.


We still do.