Anonymous ID: c1aff0 May 28, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6612475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2505 >>2512 >>2525 >>2531


Board owner

I don't need to cry, BO, or defend my spiritual beliefs to anyone. I am just telling you who and what I am and why I am here. That's all. Make of it what you will.


Anyone can post here, anyone can bake, anyone can criticize. FREE SPEECH BOARD. That is what QResearch is about.

Anonymous ID: c1aff0 May 28, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.6612614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Re censorship:

Well, yes, nothing illegal is allowed (or wanted) here. Some small amt of censorship is always needed (like not being able to cry "fire" in a crowded theater). Patriots just want it to be a little as possible, yes?

Anonymous ID: c1aff0 May 28, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6612720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2727 >>2730


BO, sincere anons use facts, logic, and arguments to support their ideas. Shills use ridicule, social pressure and fear of ostracism. Like you are doing with this meme.


I am not calling you a shill but asking you to talk with people on this board using the same respect you would give to any fellow human being.


We are all equals here, nobody is better or worse. We work together to support the work of Q team. ONLY THE WORK MATTERS.

Anonymous ID: c1aff0 May 28, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.6612871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

QResearch is under heavy shill attack

Shills are using division-fagging, malicious comments, and personal attacks to try to tear apart this community. Taking advantage of their anonymity, they work in teams to intimidate anons who object to their agendas and to pressure bakers to put in or take out notables based on minority positions that do not embody the patriotic values espoused by Q team, POTUS, or the general anon community. Anyone who does not bow to their will is viciously attacked.


Bakers are particularly targeted because they play a key role in bread support and are small in number (<12). If shills can drive away even a few bakers, it will very hard to keep this place going—and to be prepared when Q posts. That is why bakers in each bread are literally BEGGING anons to learn to bake.


Real anons use facts, logic, and arguments to support their ideas. Shills use ridicule, social pressure and fear of ostracism.


By their fruits, ye shall know them.

You can check out by breads at





Anonymous ID: c1aff0 May 28, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.6613073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3084

# 8453 reposted in #8455 baker change

>>6610847, >>6610892 Moar on Amash

>>6610861 Eric Swalwell: I May Be ‘Another White Guy’ but ‘I Know When to Pass the Mic’

>>6610893 The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan

>>6610926 South African Mom Who Spoke Out Against Slaughter Of White Farmers Found Stabbed, Beaten to Death With Hammer

>>6610946 Turkey Shoots Itself in the Foot by Providing Syrian “Opposition” with Advanced Weapons

>>6610961 Mueller: Obstruction indictment against Trump mentioned in Michael Wolff book does not exist (Wash. Examiner)

>>6611036 Planefag report

>>6611040 Q Proof: Is Alison Mack naming names? See Q# 1203

>>6611111 Hackers Use NSA Code To Grind Baltimore To A Halt

>>6611124 Followup on Letter Q Anon's artwork controversy

>>6611120 Q Clock update, plz re-read crumbs

>>6611184 New DJT: Feds will help with record flooding in Arkansas

>>6611272 Political Corruption: Microsoft, Facebook to intentionally interfere with Canada’s election, official says

>>6611277 NXIVM Trial room twats from author Sarah Berman

>>6611289 Former Scientist at Top US Lab Charged with Lying About Links to Chinese Program

>>6611383 Trump Undercuts John Bolton on North Korea and Iran

>>6611346 The End of Women’s Sports: Biological Male Wins NCAA Women’s Track Championship

>>6611351 Jim Carrey concern-fags over the future of the Free World if Mueller does not testify

>>6611361 “We Build the Wall” Closes Off Human and Drug Smuggling Corridor in One Weekend

>>6611366 Deep State Blame Game: Loretta Lynch Contradicts Comey’s Testimony on Clinton Email Investigation

>>6611426 Troops Wearing ‘Make Aircrew Great Again’ Patch Triggers Outrage from Left

>>6611429 New DJT: "I was actually sticking up for Sleepy Joe" (kek)

>>6611449 Crooked Democrat Senator Mark Warner Sounds the Alarm Over Barr’s Declassification Powers in Letter to Intel Chiefs

>>6611453 AG Barr Battles Intel Community And FBI. Illegal Surveillance Had Been Going On For Years (Sara Carter)

>>6611464 Top U.S. Environmental Enforcement Officials Meet With Officials in China

>>6611490 Donald Trump Jr. torches Eric Swalwell over "I may be 'another white guy'" tweet

>>6610909 Moar on Bilderberger mtg