Anonymous ID: 0e2bef June 3, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6667272   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7284 >>7439 >>7538 >>7797 >>7834

Part 1 [sauce:]


(((They))) nailed the main laptop again immediately after the last Fukushima post


That is why the site has been sparse today. They also nailed the tablet I am working on now, and cut its performance drastically while it now gets super hot and the battery went from 8 hours to two in one whack. But at least I can post through the combat mode window.


ANYWAY the main laptop is in the freezer now to hopefully get the bug out of RAM but I do not think it will work this time.SO to celebrate pissing them off again (actually to celebrate scaring them bad enough to attack again) I am going to lay it all out briefly once more, on a tiny bluetooth keyboard and overheating 7.5 inch screen . . . . .


So here is their reward for "bugging it good". Fukushima, the condensed version.


Israel wanted reparations from Japan, in the form of a 160 trillion yen payout to the world bank to "end world hunger" and Japan said no, because it would trash their economy. At the time, Japan was totally debt free. The tribe WILL be paid when they ask to be paid, so they infiltrated Japanese nuclear facilities with phoney "security" contracts and Fukushima happened to get a "security" contract with Dimona based "security" firm Magna BSP. Interesting enough, Magna BSP specialized in perimiter security with absolutely enormous 3d "security cameras" that were two stories tall, weighed several thousand pounds, and looked exactly like gun type nuclear weapons. One of their cameras is in the picture at the top of this page. Magna BSP trained TEPCO people all about security, and after talking the Japanese into letting them put one of these cameras, a SUPER DUPER one with temperature sensors and radiation sensors, everything needed to monitor the death of a reactor, including a totally unauthorized internet link (so they could watch it all from Dimona) they headed back to Dimona a week before 3/11. All of this is totally documented in the Fukushima report, this is not fluff.


So in the days immediately prior to 3/11 for some odd reason the U.S. navy was right over the Japan Trench dropping "sonobouys", some of which submerged to great depths, to monitor submarines. It is well documented that they were there doing it.


Then, on 3/11 the earthquake happened. But there was a problem with this earthquake - it was stated to be enormous yet the highest seismic reading picked up in all of Japan was a 6.67 and not a single building fell in all of Japan except for a dilapidated welfare shelter 100 miles inland, right where the max seismic reading of 6.67 occurred. If the earthquake was as stated, Korea, China, Taiwan, and Russia would have all shared in the devastation, yet they felt nothing. The only damage was tsunami damage, and it was devastating damage, compliments of a few of those sonobouys which mysteriously exploded with the force of nuclear weapons. Immediately after the tsunami, typing the word "tsunami bomb" into ANY forum or any online communication venue tripped auto bans. Gee, I wonder why.


Just prior to 3/11 Israel was gifted the Stuxnet virus, which was specificallyt designed to destroy nuclear facilities. HOW CONVENIENT. Here are a few fast facts to wrap this up because I hate typing on this tablet-


Fukushima never lost offsite power from other parts of the island. Instead, the switch gear in the switch yard refused to engage even after it was totally replaced after the tsunami. Stuxnet could cause that.


There were 11 diesel generators, and five kept running and were never swamped, but the switch gear would not engage, allowing them to run from generator. The story is that they got swamped, but the reality was that 5 did not, they kept working and were simply not allowed to provide auxiliary power because once again, the switch gear, even after replacement, would not engage. Stuxnet would do that.


Con't โ€ฆ.

Anonymous ID: 0e2bef June 3, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6667275   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7304 >>7351 >>7357 >>7379 >>7439 >>7538 >>7797

โ€˜โ€™โ€™Conโ€™t Part 2โ€™โ€™โ€™ [sauce:]


In a hurry, large semi truck mounted generators were brought into Fukushima, hooked up to the emergency power input switch gear, and VOILA, just like offsite power and onsite power, now power brought in from elsewhere could not be engaged because the switch gear refused to engage. Once again, Stuxnet would do that.


In the control room however, all was well. The pressure and temperature readouts were normal. But the pumps were off, so Tepco had installed auxiliary water injection ports that could allow water trucks that could pump to 2, 700 PSI to pump water into the reactors, to cool them. But there was a problem when they hooked up - despite the control rooms reading normal at no more than 1150 PSI, the pumper trucks could not overcome the pressure inside the reactors and get water into them, even when pumping at 2, 700 PSI. OBVIOUSLY STUXNET WOULD DO THAT. And then, the reactors started exploding and melting down. Israel then threatened to blow up more nuclear sites in Japan, and even attacked a couple in South Korea to less success, *very brief coverage of that, they expunged it quick because it was too obvious a coincidence and JAPAN THEN DID THE 160 TRILLION YEN PAYOUT TO THE WORLD BANK.


'''Funny thing, I saw it all over the news, and even Ben Fulford commented on it, and now, you cannot find jack on that topic!

So dear folks (and attackers) what is it like living in a nuclear blackmail world? I bet they never told Trump. He would not go for that.'''


My comment: MOSSAD are a bunch of dumb fuckers because when Jim Stone pisses them off they notify him that he has hit the correct target (by analysis) by fucking with him really badly. It also tells us anons that Q is right - You attack those who threaten you the most: >>6593544 Your comeuppance is coming soon, you bunch of evil, inbred Caananites.

Anonymous ID: 0e2bef June 3, 2019, 10:02 p.m. No.6667323   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7365 >>7535 >>7739



Hey you dumb fuck, he has registered a domain -


He has numbers as his domain as r=that is the ACTUAL address that translates to. If you don't know that then you have no business being on this board. If you think that what I am saying is a bunch of garbage go to:


and type in ANY domain name and you will see it translated to its actual IP address.


Why does Jim Stone use those IP numbers instead of Because you can blacklist a domain name via the DNS (Domain Name Servers) but you can bypass the blacklist by using the IP address directly - that way you go straight to the server where the site is hosted and not to the DNS servers first.


His site is made up of multiple servers feeding different sections of the site. That is why his html pages are so weird - it is also another way of being able to see any new pages if they stay static for more than a day. You can just change the letters/numbers to see new content if you understand how they work.

Anonymous ID: 0e2bef June 3, 2019, 10:08 p.m. No.6667365   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7609




By the way, his pages started out with this sequence as:




He then worked backwards from there, with the first the number counting back to 0, then when using a new 9 he took the second letter and went backwards 1 letter to y and started counting back with the number again. Every day or two the last number goes back by one number.

Anonymous ID: 0e2bef June 3, 2019, 10:17 p.m. No.6667398   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7478




One of the things Jim Stone did an analysis on was the locations of all the nuclear reactors in the USA. He found that they were ALL built on fault lines. He also surmised that they have ALL been fitted with kill switches (with stuxnet installed) so that if the US steps out of line a switch (or all of them) can be set off remotely causing the reactor to explode, which, because it is on a fault line, will cause a huge earthquake or quakes.


It is all outlined in the Fukushima report that he mentions.

Anonymous ID: 0e2bef June 3, 2019, 10:46 p.m. No.6667550   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7570 >>7831 >>7870




That's is pretty accurate.


In October 1997 I did a remote viewing course with Tim Riffat, who is peobably the best RV there is and was trained by the best. When tey tried to kill him because he 'wouldn't play ball' he killed them instead.


After the course he asked me to stay behind as he saw that I had done this all my life (which I thought was day dreaming) and he asked if I wanted to find out what happened to Diana. I said yes. So we did a remote vieing session on the crash and discovered:


a) The Mercedes was one of the first models that Mercedes built that had 'drive-by-wire' throttle control.


b) Diana was alive and survived the crash. She was killed off in the ambulance.


c) She was pregnant with Dodi's child.


d) She was a severe threat to the Royal Family and to those that wanted to keep Christians and Muslims divided. Her marriage to Dodi would have bought the two religions together. That would not happen.


e) I was told that I am Diana's 'Jack of Spades'. And to this day I am not exactly sure what that REALLY means.



On a side note here is my tribute to her (image) that I created in 24hrs (which was an amazing process itself). The original hangs in Mohamed El Fayed's Office in Harrods. The Royals don't deserve this piece of art.


Side note: Background is silk brocade and purchased in Liberties, Regents Street along with the red felt. Earth image is from Science museum. Diana image is from an image gallery in London EC1 (forgotten the name) and was given to me for free after explaining why I wanted it. Frame is Italian and framed in Chiswick, London. Text is on transparent film from a photographic shop in Ashford, Middlesex, and printed on an HP C870