Anonymous ID: 823ea5 June 3, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.6667490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7696 >>7730

>>6664350 PB Update for; Public Health Warning Issued for Fluoride Toothpaste - Adding a recipe for tooth oil that stops plaque cold, and can remove tartar in about two weeks.


GuineaPigAnon here, oldfag researcher testing everything for years. Interesting experience, starting 10 years ago.


Watching TV, See ONE and only ONE commercial for vet approved "Plaque Attack" Product for dogs. Waited for commercial to come around again. Never did. Wonder why that is….?


Product claimed to be able to dissolve plaque from the dogs teeth over a two week time period.

Huh. If they can do it for dogs, why not humans, right?


Wrote down name, "Plaque Attack" [catchy name]

Did search. Took two hours to find ingredients list. (Pic related is all they tell you today)


Wrote down ingredients back then. There were no measurements for each, but, worked with understood ingredients well enough to take a wild guess on the mix for a safe product as long as no allergies or special sensitivities.

Created the mix, started brushing with it every night, by wetting tooth brush with it.

It is the only thing I ever brushed my teeth with that stopped all growth of any kind of scum over night.


Kept using, still use, have not had to have teeth cleaned in 10 years. None of that hard build up that you have to have a dentist pick off with that micro-ax called tartar. Does not harm enamel either.


Ever hear of oil pulling for gum health?


Well this works in a similar way (Because most ingredients are types of essential oils mixed with a safe edible oil base the kind you would do tooth pulling with)…..but this is easier to use.


You can use it after you brush, but, what you soon discover is that it works best by itself. Grit of any kind can wear on tooth enamel over time.


Then head out to your nice shiny car with a tooth brush and tooth paste and see what happens to the car paint when you "brush it". Think anything like that happens to the enamel on your teeth?


Often wonder if toothpaste is made to keep dentists in business.

So, am going to share my "plaque attack for humans" recipe with anons.

Get pencil, paper, write it down.


Get one of those 4 pz. travel bottles you use for shampoo and liquid stuff when you go to the airport.


Ingredients are expensive but you only use 5-10 drops on the toothbrush, so it lasts longer than toothpaste. Betting it ends up being cheaper than toothpaste I would guess. Have not done the math.


You have a 4 oz plastic bottle.


Human Plaque Attack Recipe:

1 teaspoon White Thyme essential oil.

1 teaspoon Oregano essential oil.

1 teaspoon Rosemary essential oil.

1 teaspoon Peppermint essential oil.

1 teaspoon Neem oil pharmceutical grade.

2-3 drops of Grape Fruit Seed Extract.


Your 4 oz bottle should be a little less than 1/4 full.


You need a base food grade oil to dilute the essential oils (Never use them straight unless topical.)

I have used olive oil to dilute.

I think best is an XCT oil which is a liquid coconut oil, because coconut oil is also a microbe killer, as is everything n the recipe. But, using regular coconut oil is hard when it gets cool, it gets solid.


So add 3 oz of olive or liquid coconut oil to dilute the plaque killer oils.


Now, after you use this, you can see how it would work for dogs, but, you will probably wonder how you will use it on the dog a second time, since it is every bit as strong as toothpaste in taste, and this is strong enough to send your pet running under the bed.


Feel free to dilute it for the kids down to 1/8th strength. It will still work, and is safe as long as they are not allergic to any of the oils.


Anyway, try it. You will be amazed at how long it takes for something to start growing on your teeth again.


I have been wondering if this mix would make a good toothpaste if it was then mixed with baking soda. Have not tried that.


I have tested this on tartar build up.

It took about two weeks, and I could remove the tarter with a stiff brush a bit at a time. IT made the tartar crumble like bad brick cement.It took another two weeks of using the oil twice a day for the tarter to be weakened enough by the oil to brush off completely. It will work for pets if you can get them to let you brush their teeth.


Note: The Grape Fruit seed extract is VERY strong antimicrobial.

Use sparingly. Think of it like a human safe bleach. A half teaspoon in a quart bucket will suds up, and some hospitals clean their floors with it. Good to use it to clean like bleach where you don't want bleach in food stuffs.

Anonymous ID: 823ea5 June 3, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.6667676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7717


Driverless cars, trucks, anything.


5g without research and regulation by private companies, very bad idea.

All the way around in every sense.

Why do they shove these products down our throats that we do not want.


Today I read that Alexa will be pre-installed in new apartments and hotel rooms.

Start refusing to go to hotels with these things. Start bitching to state legislators.

Time for states to start outlawing these things.


States Rights.


Yes the feds will try to say they have the right to decide what runs on the state highways.


The argument that the Feds get to regulate a thing just because it is not nailed to the floor, is a misread of the Constitutional intent.

The General Welfare Clause is being used as a Federal takeover.


Those trucks still have rubber tires, right?


When we think 2A we have to stop thinking

people killing in war time, and hunting only.


When the FEDS started hooking water meters to farmers well heads on their farms that they gave water to the animals with, and started trying to charge the farmers for their own water, the farmers started up a game of target practice.


When they want to hook up 5g poles every 1000 feet, without talking truth and research with the rest of us…


When they want to use the highways WE PAY FOR to run their high tech experimental shit next to our kids in car seats….


When they want to place a soldier spy Alexa in every Colonists home??????



Time for target practice people.

2A means NO.

Get it through their heads.

Anonymous ID: 823ea5 June 4, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.6667962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q is research on questions in the Q posts.


The "dont get mad, get even, Joo shilling etc" is paid shills who post to scare normies off of the research, and give Q researchers a bad name. It is a free speech board, in accordance with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that Qresearch defends here. SO, shills get their salary, and their say.


That is not to say the second amendment will be useless if the Q plan fails.


But, you always take the first amendment research route to save your nation first and avoid bloodshed and war at all costs.

We have courts for a reason.

We have law for a reason.

We have a first amendment, and it is first for a reason.

People who come here and can not see that this is a free speech board having to tolerate shills, are the kind of fools that would pick up the guns first, and aim the guns at people instead of non living targets that would drive home a point, or stop the progress of tyranny without blood shed.


Even guns can shoot at things other than people, and make a point.

No need for violence of any kind unless absolutely last resort.

Research on, ignoring the shills.

Peace and a nation that has returned to Constitutional first principals is the goal of Q research.

Anonymous ID: 823ea5 June 4, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.6667993   🗄️.is 🔗kun







>China is a YUGE topic. I used to think i knew about them, and just more and more keeps coming out.


>China is a fucking cancer as much as communism and islamic bullshit.


Keep learning Anon. MANY old fag here and in normie world were VERY PISSED that we ever started trading ANYTHING with China…. ever.


The lesson here is that you never allow trade with a Communist country, ever. Those communists will use it to power up their tyranny system, since they can make no economic power of their own. (By definition, Communism forbids the ownership of private property, and so the "government owned" businesses are incapable of competing.) Its just a fact of business that you can not pay people whether they work or not.

But the worst of it is, by trading with them, you let them make slaves of their own people, and so, when you empower such a tyranny form of government… and that government cabal goes around killing it's citizens? The blood is on YOUR hands for giving them the power to compete in the world using a chunk of YOUR free economy to survive.


Yes, many an old fag is still quite pissed off.


Young people are just now figuring out what happened.


Keep learning Anon.

Do not let the businesses that used Chine to make millions fool you.

Morality matters.

If you believe in freedom and justice, justice toward the people of China matters.

Weaken the monster government that is killing them, and give them a chance to fight back.

Anonymous ID: 823ea5 June 4, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.6668037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok, this is like saying they stopped making guns for the war. Gotta locate the human capital. Spys. They won't be at the grocery store. They will be in the tech co's and the Universities pretending to be Americans, with Chinese ties.