Anonymous ID: c8ccd7 June 4, 2019, 12:03 a.m. No.6667860   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trump Finally Has the Wind at his Back


“…The anchor was the Russian collusion narrative, now debunked, and quite easily, as it never existed in the first place. The FISA warrants, FBI informants inserted into the Trump campaign, attempted entrapment, were all a giant smokescreen with a flimsy veneer of legality, covering up highly illegal spying and weaponization of the justice and intelligence agencies of President Obama going back as far as 2012, as Joe DiGenova recently explained in a radio interview.


The irony is that Mitt Romney, with his high-browed finger-wagging over Trump’s style, was likely surveilled in 2012, along with his family and campaign, perhaps costing him the election. He might as well be wearing a “kick me” sign on the back of his Brooks Brothers blazer.

Yet Trump knew all of this and more, probably before he was elected, and certainly after Admiral Mike Rogers paid him an unexpected visit at Trump Tower during the transition. The deep state plan, however, was already in play, with now legal spying, at least per the FISC warrant approvals, with a special counsel waiting in the wings to tie Trump’s hands behind his back in terms of exposing any of this.

They were building an obstruction case, under the public cover of Russian collusion, hoping that Trump would declassify something or fire someone, which Mueller could claim was obstructing his investigation, paving the way for the House filing articles of impeachment.

But Trump had the patience of a tortoise running a marathon, moving his agenda upstream and upwind, biding his

time until the winds shifted for the better. That time is now. His new Attorney General William Barr jumped on board Trump’s boat, the USS Covfefe, and has weighed anchor by compelling Mueller to end his witch hunt, to fish or cut bait, finishing his report, confirming what Trump has been saying all along, although to many deaf ears.

The media wind is still blowing but with far less effect. CNN and MSNBC ratings have dropped even further after Mueller released his report, making their broadcasts relevant only in Georgetown coffee shops and airport terminals.

The tide is receding with Congress now rid of some, but unfortunately not all, NeverTrumpers. Others like Lindsey Graham are energized and eager to use their committees to uncover, not bury, previous government malfeasance. NeverTrump pundits have been relegated to low ratings cable news networks, whining to like-minded news anchors while the rest of the country views them as jilted teenage mean girls.

House Democrats can’t make up their minds about impeachment, torn between political practicality and their rabid base, which they spent years whipping into a frenzy, pouring blood into a school of sharks.

Democrat presidential candidates are lined up like climbers on Mount Everest last week, waiting for their chance at a selfie on the summit. They are happy to trample over the carcasses of their fellow candidates if they can move further up the line. Trump couldn’t have choreographed this any better.”

