let who ever amoung you is without sin cast the first
a paraphrase of a Gospel passage.
let who ever amoung you is without sin cast the first
a paraphrase of a Gospel passage.
I have heard that if the GE reactors in Japan had generators that were in towers, and fuel stored for those generators, in towers, above the water, that they would have had power to pump out the sea water.
However, just like all cabal technology, they fire the engineers and designers once they get a working prototype and call it finished.
what purpose your narrative imagining some spring effect that . . . gosh how does it get triggered? through innuendo?
give it up.
your need to conjecture our down fall here shows you in as much light as needed for us to see what you are doing . . .
what do you mean by 'remove AJ?'
from notables?
you're not deleting posts, I hope.
Of course not.
Hey notables evolved.
It's not like it matters one way or the other.
AJ isn't as bad as the worst conjecture suggests.
manics and maddogs still have a right to be crazy as long as they don't harm anyone, and say and do what they'd like to say and do within the law. That part isn't crazy.
you do realize that Anjel was a fashion model before he became a double-naught-spy?
why you picking on him?
I'm just being playful. I really have no idea. But it seems to bug some people that others support this man.
we disagree with the opinions he trolls and suddenly we are supposed to hate him?
that's not the way real people behave.
He's obviously trolls contriversial opinions to draw out haters.