so there y'are, then.
< have already proven that you cannot separate the product from the people who produce it.
funny, i haven't said a thing here about either HST's writings or frank's music
<Labeling anyone a "fan" is your way of trying to insinuate that no one else 'understands' it like you do.
where'd that come from? i specifically meant the single anon yesterday who got so uppity when someone dared mention his personal hero isn't who he thinks
<Spent a lot of time in that area and FULLY understand what went on. Obviously you don't
ahyes, being in the general vicinity of spooks & complex social engineering programs, best way to know all about them
<Give it up, you fucking GLOW
just havin a bit o fun, sharing a little.
being so ticklish makes you a fun poke.
now about the music: there's some moments in frank's shit (a few), but his sad devotion to being "weird" is insufferable. KingKong was almost such a great song, but ruined by the playing around.
later decaces is boring as fuck.