Anonymous ID: 0319c8 June 4, 2019, 9:57 p.m. No.6675291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>A slew of states have similar laws on the >books, known as fetal heartbeat bills because >they ban abortion after a heartbeat can be >detected in the unborn baby. Blinder goes out >of his way to avoid the term throughout the >piece, noting in the lead that the bill bans the >procedure “after the pulsing of what becomes >he fetus’s heart can be detected.”


In all these long years, I have waited for this. The left is retreating to higher ground. Their moral smugness now ends around 11 weeks with far too many women. The remorse and warnings of women from the mid 70's to early noughty's who used abortion as birthcontrol reaching a broad (kek) and young audience, and medical technology that not only allows fantastic images of children in the womb but also can save ever younger premies is destroying the marketing message. Pushing these laws after the leftists gave themselves standing ovations for enshrining infanticide in law is causing fear and indecision on the left.


It's like all of their prized campaigns are having a light shined on them, and the ugliness of their policies and hypocracy of their marketing campaigns becomes all to apparent.