Anonymous ID: 317c2f June 4, 2019, 10:11 p.m. No.6675356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393

Some excerpts from Sorcha Faal from Jan 2.

More at the link, with many hyperlinks to sauces.


"A remarkable analysis contained in a new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to be the winner of the “Prison Lottery” discussions currently ongoing in the US Department of Justice as to which Obama Regime officials are to be criminally charged and put on trial—a fact supported by President Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani who just revealed that 3 to 5 top Obama officials are going to be indicted—and US Attorney General William Barr further revealing that the criminal investigation into Clinton is near completion—with it being most important to understand that as the trade confrontation between America and China is quickly spiraling towards war, the Chinese are yet to be convinced that Trump is in full control of his nation and are therefore hesitant to make any deal with him—most particularly due to the “Obama Shadow Government” doing everything in its power to defeat Trump’s foreign policy."


"Upon China blowing up this historic trade deal, this report continues, President Trump correctly assessed that they did so because of their belief they could reach a deal more favorable to them with his Democrat Party opponents who might soon defeat him—and was a message being spread to the Chinese by the “Obama Shadow Government” who had begun secretly negotiating with Iran, too—and is being led by former President Barack Obama who’s been circling the globe these past weeks trashing Trump and America every chance he gets—the latest example being this past Friday when Obama trashed the United States during a speech in Brazil, and didn’t even know the difference between the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence."


"With this current volatile situation heading towards war it’s, perhaps, best summarized in the Los Angeles Times headline yesterday “For The U.S. and China, It’s Not A Trade War Anymore — It’s Something Worse”, this report concludes, left to President Trump before everything spirals out of control is his displaying to the Chinese that he, and he alone, is in full control of his country, not the “Obama Shadow Government”—and whose fastest and most effective means to do so is his criminally charging top Obama Regime officials—the most likely of whom will be Hillary Clinton—not just because of the many crimes she’s committed, but because she’s universally loathed by all political factions in America, both left and right—the best evidence of which is being displayed in the just opened play on Broadway in New York City titled “Hillary and Clinton”—that sees famous American actor John Lithgow playing the part of Bill Clinton, while the famous American actress Laurie Metcalf plays Hillary—and in the exchange that got the loudest audience cheers, saw Bill explaining to his wife Hillary why she lost the presidency: “People don’t like people who make them feel like shit”."

Anonymous ID: 317c2f June 4, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.6675519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No kidding.

Nothing but the stench of glyphosate from miles around for a week every spring.

In cities they have Public Service Announcements on radio saying to wash vegetables to remove pesticides.

In farm areas they have radio ads for miracle pesticides which persist for the life of the plant, come rain or shine.


Organic is better.

Or MAGA victory garden, grow your own is best.

Anonymous ID: 317c2f June 4, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.6675547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What MB terrorism, honestly?

I see a mainstream Islamic movement, not radical, that gets outlawed and labeled terrorists wrongly.

MB are looking to unite Muslim countries with each other, I dont want a Muslim superpower, but they are not known for terrorism.

Anonymous ID: 317c2f June 4, 2019, 11:04 p.m. No.6675590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5618


Nazis were not about dictators, tho.

They were a Republic, going about regaining their country similar to MAGA.

Its why Nazi ideology is relevant.

National Socialism was not socialism as we know it.

It called on individuals to support the state in difficult times.

Lots and lots of lies have been told about WW2.

Patton said we fought the wrong enemy.

Anonymous ID: 317c2f June 4, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6675602   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Farming can be done better, with better yields, with no pesticides.

More labor intensive and demands max skill from the farmer.

If pesticides were gone overnight, though, most people would starve before new (old) techniques were learned.