Anonymous ID: 93cac0 June 4, 2019, 8:56 p.m. No.6674939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4984 >>5001 >>5079 >>5407

House Passes Mass Amnesty Bill Which Would Give Millions Of Illegal Immigrants A Path To Citizenship


The House passed a vote Tuesday that would grant protection from deportation to illegal immigrants and give millions a path to permanent citizenship status.


The American Dream and Promise Act passed the House with a vote of 236-187. The legislation was brought forward by California Democratic Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard and will provide permanent status to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as minors, as well as to those living in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status, Newsweek reported.


This all comes as apprehensions of immigrants have increased every month since January. There have also been over 100,000 encounters at the southern border in both March and April, making it so the border crisis is on track to be the highest it has been in a decade.


The legislation would make it so 2.1 million immigrants “would be eligible under the measures for Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children.”


The House Judiciary Committee criticized Democrats for pushing the bill forward, listing a number of reasons why amnesty should not be granted to illegal immigrants.


“H.R. 6 would provide green cards to criminals, including gang members and people who committed potentially serious crimes as juveniles, with multiple DUI convictions and with misdemeanor firearms-related convictions. Dems are prioritizing mass amnesty over public safety,” The House Judiciary Committee also said in a tweet.


President Donald Trump’s administration has already threatened to veto the legislation, saying it would be “undermining key administration immigration objectives and policy priorities, such as protecting our communities and defending our borders.”


The bill will likely be shut down in the Senate.

Anonymous ID: 93cac0 June 4, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.6674955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Campaign Lawyers Demand DNC Drop Lawsuit Citing Mueller Report


In May, the legal team for Trump’s campaign demanded the DNC withdraw its lawsuit alleging a conspiracy between Trump and Russia after the release of Robert Mueller’s report. The DNC refused and now Trump's campaign lawyers are taking them to court.


US President Trump's 2016 campaign lawyers went to court on Tuesday filing a claim against the Democratic National Committee that is alleging in a lawsuit that Trump's campaign conspired with Russia to secure Trump's victory. The lawyers turned to the recently released Mueller Report saying the document revealed a "doomed effort to prove a falsehood."


"The assumption [of the lawsuit], was that the Special Counsel would substantiate the DNC's claims," Trump's campaign lawyers wrote. "Suffice it to say, that assumption did not pan out."


The lawyers argued that the Mueller probe "definitively refuted the notion that the Campaign conspired or in any way coordinated with Russia."


Released on 18 April, the 448-page Mueller report revealed there was no evidence of the alleged "collusion" Trump opponents keep accusing him of. The controversy surrounding the report is due to a considerable part of the public version of the document having been redacted.


The lawyers say the report "debunks any such conclusion by walking through the vast body of evidence collected and establishing that none of this evidence showed that the Campaign formed any sort of agreement with Russia."


"The DNC has thus made clear that it wants to proceed with a politically motivated sham of a case, tying up the resources of this Court and the Campaign — and inevitably burdening the President himself — all in a doomed effort to prove a falsehood," they continued.


Earlier in May, the lawyers sent a letter to the DNC demanding they withdraw their lawsuit within three weeks or face the possibility of sanctions.


On Sunday, DNC lawyers responded with threats that any attempt to request sanctions against the Committee will be met with sanctions against the campaign.


"Over the course of more than 100 pages, the Report details the Campaign's repeated suspicious interactions with Russian agents, confirming and bolstering the central allegations of the DNC's" lawsuit, Joseph Sellers, a DNC lawyer said Sunday. "[Mueller] reiterated in a televised press conference last week that a decision not to prosecute should not be confused with an exoneration. And yet, this is exactly what the Trump Campaign does in its letter," Sellers added.


Both Russia and the White House repeatedly denied all allegations of collusion or conspiracy, which special counsellor Robert Mueller investigated, conducting thousands of interviews with hundreds of witnesses, and eventually finding no basis for charging Trump with collusion.

Anonymous ID: 93cac0 June 4, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6675054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5080 >>5134 >>5291

New York Times Trades ‘Fetal Heartbeat’ For ‘Embryonic Pulsing’ In Abortion Reporting


The New York Times traded in the term “fetal heartbeat” for “embryonic pulsing” in a report on Louisiana’s new abortion ban last week, playing to abortion advocates and journalists eager to downplay the realities of abortion.


“The measure would require an ultrasound test for any woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy, and forbid abortion if the test detects embryonic pulsing — which can occur before many women know they are pregnant,” reporter Alan Blinder wrote. The sanitizing language was first highlighted by Breitbart News. It’s not a medical term and was apparently invented by Blinder.


A slew of states have similar laws on the books, known as fetal heartbeat bills because they ban abortion after a heartbeat can be detected in the unborn baby. Blinder goes out of his way to avoid the term throughout the piece, noting in the lead that the bill bans the procedure “after the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart can be detected.”


An unborn baby isn’t considered a fetus in medical terms until the 11th week of pregnancy, when most of its major organs are formed. But the heartbeat of the boy or girl can be detected as early as 6 weeks.


Blinder’s decision to use “embryonic pulsing” instead of heartbeat falls in line with larger media efforts to dehumanize unborn babies and sanitize the reality of abortion. NPR urged journalists not to use the term unless absolutely necessary in recent guidance published as a reminder to reporters on its policies for abortion reporting.


The guidance explicitly instructs reporters to adopt opaque or sanitized terms and Planned Parenthood talking points while avoiding any terms that could come across as pro-life or inadvertently humanize the unborn. Reporters are told not to use the term fetal heartbeat unless it is in quotes and attributed to pro-life activists.


The guidance states: “One thing to keep in mind about this law and others like it: Proponents refer to it as a ‘fetal heartbeat’ law. That is their term. It needs to be attributed to them if used and put in quotation marks if printed. We should not simply say the laws are about when a ‘fetal heartbeat’ is detected. As we’ve reported, heartbeat activity can be detected ‘about six weeks into a pregnancy.’ That’s at least a few weeks before an embryo is a fetus.”

Anonymous ID: 93cac0 June 4, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.6675071   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Suspicious unattended death investigation ongoing involving former State Senator



RANDOLPH COUNTY, Ark. (KAIT) - An investigation is underway into an unattended death at Former State Senator Linda Collins-Smith’s home.


The death is being investigated as suspicious.


Former press secretary Ken Yang confirmed to Region 8 News that Collins-Smith that was found dead.


However, Sheriff Kevin Bell told Region 8 News that they are waiting for the state crime lab, which is enroute to the scene, to confirm the identity and the cause of death.


The sheriff said that they do not believe the public is in danger.


The Randolph County Sheriff’s Department is leading the investigation and Arkansas State Police are on scene assisting.


Several across the state are sending out condolences.


Today, we learned of the untimely death of former Senator Linda Collins Smith. She was a passionate voice for her people and a close member of our Republican family. We are praying for her loved ones during this difficult time.

— Arkansas GOP (@ARGOP) June 5, 2019



State Senator, and my fear personal friend was found dead this evening in her home.


Authorities say it appears she was murdered .


Our content partner Talk Business and Politics reports that Collins-Smith was first elected to the Senate in 2014.


In 2011, her first term in the Arkansas House, she switched from the Democratic party to the Republican party.


Region 8 News has a crew headed to the scene and will update this story as details emerge.

Anonymous ID: 93cac0 June 4, 2019, 9:38 p.m. No.6675212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5254 >>5274

Argh this faggot baker!


Read his notables have no idea what is contained which is notable within the bread!


Famefag trying to have "my style" so as to claim cred later.


This oldfag thinks you are lame af.