Anonymous ID: e48fc7 June 4, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.6674995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5004 >>5016 >>5136 >>5552

You will be watched/tracked - whether you like it or not.


Utah will test hidden technology that tries to find weapons among crowds at schools, stadiums and churches



Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes is partnering with Georgia-based Liberty Defense to test and promote a product that uses 3D imaging and artificial intelligence to detect concealed weapons on people in public spaces.


The company’s product, HEXWAVE, can be hidden in walls and other structures as it scans for objects like guns, knives and explosives obscured by clothing or bags, according to a promotional video on the Liberty Defense website.


The technology, as Liberty Defense has described it, appears to “strike the balance between privacy interests on one side and security and safety,” Reyes said. “Hexwave seems to be right in that sweet spot."



According to Liberty Defense, the agreement with Reyes includes the attorney general facilitating introductions between the company and prospective clients and advising interested parties on the potential uses of HEXWAVE. Park City police have had discussions with the company about testing it at the Sundance Film Festival. Because the imaging technology identifies objects, rather than the people carrying them, Reyes said he believes it could be less invasive than, say, facial recognition technology or even driver license scanners.


“If you can imagine an open place like Park City during Sundance to be able to have a little more of an awareness of what — not who and what their identity is and where they live and what their driver license is — but what they might have on them and where that is, … to make sure everybody is as safe as possible.”


The company also suggests the technology could be installed at sporting and concert arenas, school campuses, churches, government buildings and amusement parks. Reyes said some companies in Utah have already expressed interest in being part of the HEXWAVE tests.


“HEXWAVE can be applied in a variety of settings to provide a means to identify possible threats before they advance into attacks," Bill Riker, CEO of Liberty Defense, said in a statement. “We are excited that the attorney general of Utah recognizes the potential value of this technology and the opportunity it provides for enhanced security in the state.”


Clark Aposhian, a gun-rights advocate and chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, said he wonders about the practical applications for the technology in Utah. Private venues — like the Sundance Film Festival — are free to prohibit weapons, but state law permits concealed carry in public spaces like parks, school campuses and the Utah State Capitol.


“People can walk in there with guns,” Aposhian said. “Permit holders do that all the time.”


Aposhian said there’s the potential for lawful gun owners to be harassed by any new approach to security. But most places where weapons are prohibited are already equipped with metal detectors and other types of scanners, he said, and it might be difficult to effectively deploy the HEXWAVE devices in a state with so many authorized gun owners.

Anonymous ID: e48fc7 June 4, 2019, 9:08 p.m. No.6675016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5439


This ID Scanner Company is Collecting Sensitive Data on Millions of Bargoers


PatronScan says it sells security. Privacy advocates worry it’s selling mass surveillance.


We’ve all seen it, and some of us have lived it: A bar patron mouths off to a bouncer, tags a wall, gets in a fight, or is just too drunk and disorderly. They’re not just kicked out for the night, but “eighty-sixed” — permanently banned from the establishment.


Now imagine if a bar owner could flag that ejected patron digitally, documenting their transgression for other bar owners to see and placing them on a nightlife equivalent of a no fly list that stretches across city, state, and even international borders.


PatronScan allows bars to do just that. The PatronScan kiosk, placed at the entrance of a bar or nightlife establishment, can verify whether an ID is real or fake, and collect and track basic customer demographic data. For bars, accurate ID scanners are valuable tools that help weed out underage drinkers, protecting the establishments’ liquor licenses from fines and scrupulous state alcohol boards. But PatronScan’s main selling point is security.


The system allows a business to maintain a record of bad customer behavior and flag those individuals, alerting every other bar that uses PatronScan. What constitutes “bad behavior” is at a bar manager’s discretion, and ranges from “sexual assault” to “violence” to “public drunkenness” and “other.” When a bargoer visits another PatronScan bar and swipes their ID, their previously flagged transgressions will pop up on the kiosk screen. Unless patrons successfully appeal their status to PatronScan or the bar directly, their status can follow them for anywhere from a couple weeks to a few months, to much, much longer. According to a PatronScan “Public Safety Report” from May 2018, the average length of bans handed out to customers in Sacramento, California was 19 years. (The company’s “Public Safety Report” is embedded in full below.)


PatronScan claims to have a networked list of more than 40,000 banned customers.


The same report indicates that PatronScan collected and retained information on over 10,000 patrons in Sacramento in a single day. Within a five month period, that added up to information on over 500,000 bargoers. PatronScan claims to have a networked list of more than 40,000 banned customers, many of whom may not even know about their eighty-sixed status until they try to gain entry into another bar covered by the system.


To some onlookers, PatronScan’s product raises a number of concerns about privacy, surveillance, and discrimination. PatronScan’s reports reveal the company logged where customers live, the household demographics for that area, how far each customer travelled to a bar, and how many different bars they had visited. According to the company’s own policies, the company readily shares the information it collects on patrons, both banned and not, at the request of police. In addition to selling its kiosks to individual bars and nightlife establishments, PatronScan also advertises directly to cities, suggesting that they mandate the adoption of their service.


PatronScan represents an extreme example of the growing adoption of data collection at bars and restaurants. Such establishments have long had informal systems for tracking problematic patrons. Today, many bars also have internal surveillance systems, which track customer trends and catalog granular data on purchasing habits. Those tools are growing increasingly sophisticated, with obvious benefits to venue owners and law enforcement.


For bargoers, however, these systems create an uncomfortable new paradigm for partying, one in which data-sharing is a norm and technological tools can multiply the consequences of a single bad night. And once a bar adopts an ID scanning system, even innocent patrons may never know where their ID data will end up, or how it will be used.

Anonymous ID: e48fc7 June 4, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.6675158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269


I agree with that other anon. God will not give you more than you can handle

How can you say that to a child that gets raped and tortured.


The numbers;


Update: In 2012 the (UNODC) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports the percentage of child victims had risen in a 3 year span from 20 per cent to 27 per cent. Of every three child victims, two are girls and one is a boy.


Gender and age profile of victims detected globally: 59% Women - 14% Men - 17% Girls and 10% were Boys.


600,000 to 800,000 women, children and men bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for forced labor or commercial sex (U.S. Government)

When internal trafficking victims are added to the estimates, the number of victims annually is in the range of 2 to 4 million

50% of those victims are estimated to be children

It is estimated that 76 percent of transactions for sex with underage girls start on the Internet

2 million children are subjected to prostitution in the global commercial sex trade (UNICEF)

There are 20.9 Million victims of Trafficking World wide as of 2012

1.5 Million victims in the United States

Anonymous ID: e48fc7 June 4, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.6675234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5248


Alex Jones Exposed by Milton William Cooper With Free Download of Cooper’s Book (Repost)

Anonymous ID: e48fc7 June 4, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.6675382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5461 >>5489 >>5530


In January 2019, Collins was one of eight senators to reintroduce legislation to prevent President Trump from withdrawing the United States from NATO by imposing a requirement of a two-thirds approval from the Senate for a president to suspend, terminate or withdraw American involvement with the international organization following a report that President Trump expressed interest in withdrawing from NATO several times during the previous year.[85]