Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6678976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037 >>9114 >>9431

Russia, China Prepare To Dump Dollar, Agree To Bilateral Trade In National Currencies


Just one month after conducting joint military exercises, Russia and China are set to sign an agreement which would boost the use of their national currencies in bilateral and international trade in an attempt to mmove away from the current dollar-denominated financial system, according to Russian state-owned news outlet TASS.


It is planned that Russia and China will be developing bilateral payments in national currencies, encourage and expand the use of national currencies, particularly through promotion of their use when signing international trade contracts. According to the draft agreement, the sides will also assume required measures to lift barriers for payments in national currencies. -TASS


The Kremlin released a draft decree on Wednesday outlining "settlements and payments for goods, service and direct investments between economic entities of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China are made in accordance with the international practice and the legislation of the sides’ states with the use of foreign currency, the Russian currency (rubles) and the Chinese currency (yuan)."


According to the draft, Moscow and Beijing will cooperate to develop a national payments system, along with cross-border payments in national and other currencies.


"The sides deepen the cooperation in the field of national payment card systems and within the framework of the Russian and Chinese legislation provide support to commercial banks in their independent decision-making on joining the payment system in the state of the other side," reads the document.


Last November, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that discussions were under way to allow the use of China's UnionPay credit card in Russia, and Russia's Mir card in China.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6678993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian feds raid broadcaster’s office over Afghan war crime stories


Australian police have raided national broadcaster ABC's headquarters over a 2017 story series exposing crimes committed by special forces in Afghanistan, the second raid on journalists in two days.


Six officers, including three police technicians, descended on the broadcaster's Sydney offices with a warrant explaining the raid was "in relation to allegations of publishing classified material, contrary to provisions of the Crimes Act 1914." The classified material in question? Hundreds of pages of leaked defense documents marked AUSTEO (Australian Eyes Only) that formed the basis of ABC's 2017 story series 'The Afghan Files.' The warrant names the report's authors, Dan Oakes and Sam Clark, as well as ABC news director Gaven Morris.


The officers rounded up ABC's IT staff to assist in examining their email server looking for "a series of key words," while others scoured a hard drive, according to John Lyons, ABC executive editor and head of investigations department, who live-tweeted the raid. Officers helpfully told him they were interested in "very specific matters" and "certain things," dryly noting "this could take some time," Lyons reported. Four hours into the raid, they had collected over 9,200 files and were deciding which could be seized under the warrant.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6679011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rand Paul: Deep State Ignored Order to Pull John Brennan’s Security Clearance


Appearing Tuesday on CNN, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed the intelligence community over a recent report claiming it defied an order from President Donald Trump to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan.



"People talk about the deep state, now the deep state's actually protecting their own," says Sen. @RandPaul on ex-CIA Dir. John Brennan keeping his security clearance.


"I was sitting in the White House when President Trump said I want his security clearance taken."


— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) June 4, 2019


A partial transcript is as follows:


HOST BRIANNA KEILAR: I want to ask you, because you’ve been really a critic of John Brennan, who has been a critic of President Trump. You’ve not been a big fan of him. You’ve said that. He’s the former CIA director under President Obama. What do you think about this recent New York Times story that Brennan still has his security clearance? This was such a big, I guess, promise of the president’s, demand of the president. He said he was going to pull it, and he still has it.


SEN. RAND PAUL: Well, this is what worries me. People talk about the Deep State. Now the Deep State is actually protecting their own and not listening to the president’s orders. I was sitting in the White House when President Trump said, “I want his security clearance taken,” and I saw the order given. I saw the chief of staff was there, not the current chief of staff, the previous chief of staff.


And if they’re working against the odds of the president, that really does disrupt our country, does disrupt a representative democracy where the president makes a decision, and if someone is countermanding that, I think we need to get to the bottom of that. And I hope President Trump will say, “who is countermanding my orders. I said get rid of his clearance.” And I do think Brennan has been a partisan. And I think Brennan also abused his office in developing the Trump investigation. I think it was done under false pretenses and done for political reasons.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6679017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MEP Janice Atkinson: “Cultural Marxism has to be stopped and reversed”


There is a new book out that seeks to make sense of what is happening politically in our name. The book is called ‘What Women Want’.

Although I’ll give a spoiler alert now – it’s what men want too. We are being denied our natural instincts and order, as nature and society intended, as men or women, whether it’s in the workplace, in our education system or our right to free speech, governments and supra national bodies are diluting our rights and denying us our sexual identity.

It explores how the agendas of a few niche activists became policy. From transgenderism, climate change, high taxation, foreign aid, immigration, Islam, the tearing down our borders, the anti family agenda and a whole host of other dotty, woke and damaging policies.

Sex, or gender, as it’s now known, is something we can change like our knickers. It’s the new world order that we have to fight against to preserve our Western way of life.

Conservatism is dead, long live cultural Marxism. The conservatives have rolled over and died, whilst the social democrats, communists, Greens, liberals and the vile left have taken hold of our democracies. Held to ransom by supra national bodies like the EU, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and the card carrying members of Davos, the majority find themselves living in a parallel universe where they are frightened to speak out.

The book started out as a critique of the whole dangerous gender agenda where the sexes were being diluted with virulent accusations of ‘toxic’ masculinity, the madness of the #MeToo movement, where men and boys were told ‘take a back seat, it doesn’t matter if your grades are better than the girls, you’re going to the back of the queue for jobs, you don’t matter as much as your sister, mother, aunt, girlfriend or any woman. We’re going to sue your arses and name and shame you if you so much as winked at me twenty years ago’.

It looks at the workplace where men called Paul, who identify as Pauline on the first Wednesday of every month but only when the sun is rising in Jupiter, who choose to dress as women and on those days we have to bow down and respect their voyeurism. There can be no sniggering behind the computer screen because that’s a sackable offence. Where it’s easier to change your sex online than it is to change your car’s number plate.

Did you wonder where the transgender agenda came from to suddenly to infect our children’s minds and to dictate the toilets we can use? Where did the trans activists’ violence and heavy handed litigation, threats, power, money and influence come from?

How did a minority in Islam become so forceful and dominant in our politics, legislation and terrorism? So much so that legislation is being brought forward to curtail our criticism of it?

Are you, like me, a conservative but wonder where on earth they are? The book names and shames politicians who trade under the label ‘conservative’.

It lauds those who are fighting against the whole gender and transgender agenda.

It has chapters from a transvestite and a young man who thought he was trans and started the transition process, aided by the irresponsible state, until he realised he was just gay, to a man that became a woman. We hear their stories. None of them have been infected by liberal left wrong think.

The author tears into our education system, the EU, the UN, every politician and body that undermines the family, rule of law, our Western way of life, open borders, mass immigration that no one wanted or indeed, asked for. She condemns the attack on our free speech and imported third world practices and terrorism.

Cultural Marxism has to be stopped and reversed.

I am the author. It’s my experience of being a politician. I first started noticing this mission creep as a political candidate and then as an elected MEP.

I write as a wife, mother and … a woman, a conservative one.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.6679083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Death Toll in Sudanese Protests Hits 60


The death toll during the dispersal of the sit-in protest near Khartoum's army headquarters has risen to 60 people, Reuters reported, citing the opposition Central Committee of Sudan Doctors (CCSD).


Protesters have been rallying outside army headquarters in Khartoum since 6 April to force the Transitional Military Council (TMC), which has been ruling Sudan since its long-time leader Omar Bashir was deposed in April, to hand over power to a civilian body. The military moved in to break up the sit-in on Monday. The previous CCSD reports indicated that the number of those killed in the military crackdown exceeded 35.


According to the committee, the exact death toll is unclear as the military has reportedly encircled the hospitals where protesters are being treated.


The committee also claimed earlier, citing doctors and protesters, that many of the bodies of those killed had allegedly been taken by the militia and thrown into the Nile.


The TMC maintains that the security force's operation was not aimed at peaceful protesters but rather was targeting criminals who infiltrated the ranks of demonstrators.


On Monday, Sudan's acting prosecutor general, Al-Walid Sayed Ahmed, ordered that a special committee be set up to promptly investigate the circumstances surrounding the deadly clashes between the army and the protesters.


Sudan experienced a military coup on 11 April following months of mass demonstrations. Then President Omar Bashir was subsequently overthrown and detained after almost 30 years in power. The military then took over and pledged to organize a new presidential election within two years. Protesters have since remained in the streets, demanding that the military yield power to a civilian authority.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6679091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9114 >>9431

US Lawmakers Call For Ban on Facial Recognition as Massive 640 Million Photos FBI Database Revealed


The revelation of a massive US citizen photo database fanned the flames of debate about the highly controversial high-tech solution to crimes, which can possibly become the culprit in mass wrongful arrests and privacy violations.


US lawmakers are calling for a nation-wide moratorium on facial recognition technology after a massive database of 640 million photos gathered by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) was revealed during a hearing on Tuesday.


Speaking before a House Oversight and Reform Committee, Government Accountability Office (GAO) representative Gretta Goodwin revealed that the FBI has access to some 640 million photos of US citizens, including 36 million mugshot photos and 21 state driver’s license directories. The revelation sparked bewilderment amongst the lawmakers.


“640 million photos,” repeated Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the ranking member of the Committee. “There are only 330 million people in the country.”


While the FBI emphasizes it uses the vast database only to solve crimes, lawmakers got worried. Panel members accused the FBI of failing to implement “adequate privacy and accuracy guardrails” recommended by GAO three years ago before deploying the facial recognition technology across the nation, according to The Hill.


“Although the Committee has not called for a broad moratorium at this stage, I personally feel that we should consider it, and we will be continuing our robust bipartisan oversight of this issue to develop common-sense, concrete reforms that the whole Committee can support,” panel chairman Elijah Cummings told reporters.


The main concern regarding facial recognition technology is its predisposition for failure which bears signs of discrimination. Civil rights groups cite studies that claim the existing technology makes mistakes when analyzing certain populations at higher rates than others. Besides, there are questions regarding how the government is handling private data.


“We do have to have a pause on the implementation of facial recognition at a federal level … until we make sure that it’s not violating our Fourth Amendment rights and civil liberties,” says Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus. According to the Fourth Amendment to US Constitution, US citizens have a right “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.”

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.6679144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9431

5G CRISIS: Historic Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against the FCC by Municipalities Across the USA


The preceding screenshot was taken from a class action lawsuit aimed at first slowing down and then vacating the FCC “order and declaratory ruling purporting to streamline the deployment of wireless facilities by pre-empting local government authority”.


It is critical for every U.S. citizen to understand that this illicit and highly consequential order by the FCC is wholly unprecedented. It is also reckless to the extreme. Much more significantly, however, this FCC ruling represents a massive and complex criminal conspiracy that will seriously injure the American people.


That the FCC would blatantly attempt to unlawfully arrogate power unto itself to foist 5G on the entire nation represents the height of federal overreach and governmental hubris. Such an illegal order is clearly a tyrannical move by the U.S. Federal Government to improperly impose the deployment of 5G on every city and county in the 50 states.


Not only is this usurpation of municipal authority completely unconstitutional, it’s a flagrant violation of various federal laws, state statutes, county codes and city ordinances.


There’s a HUGE back story to how the ongoing 5G roll-out even got started. It concerns the stealthy establishment of what’s known as the Government-Corporate Complex. The only way that the out-of-control 5G juggernaut can be correctly understood is to become aware of how “The Government-Corporate Complex Took Complete Control Of The USA“.

5G Crisis


It is quite shocking that the American people are now faced with an unparalleled public health disaster because of the patently unlawful deployment of the extremely dangerous Fifth Generation Cellular Network Technology nationwide.


How, pray tell, did this happen?

That’s simple: The IT, WiFi, Smartphone and Telecom Industries essentially took over the Federal Communications Commission, that’s how!


Once this coup was successful, the FCC was used to override and supersede any and every legal impediment that stood in the way of the seamless deployment of 5G across the USA.


The completely corrupted FCC was able to do this in spite of the fact that the 5G technology platform was not tested as required by law for the most basic safety concerns and human health risks. Therefore, it’s indisputable that various federal statutes have been violated, ignored and flouted.


That such a national technology roll-out could even take place without first passing through the many levels of mandatory testing and approval is as inconceivable as it is insane.


Given how pervasive and profound the inevitable health consequences and environmental impacts of 5G truly are, there’s obviously an enormous government-corporate conspiracy at work. Otherwise, this juggernaut could never have made it this far with the 5G roll-out.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6679158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube Begins Purging 'Thousands Of Videos And Channels' For Advocating 'Bigoted Ideologies'


Google-owned YouTube is planning to purge "thousands of videos and channels" which advocate "bigoted ideologies" or "claim Jews secretly control the world," deny "that well-documented violent events, like the Holocaust" took place, "say women are intellectually inferior to men and therefore should be denied certain rights," or "suggest that the white race is superior to another race."


Multiple channels were banned in the immediate aftermath of the announcement.


From New York Times, "YouTube to Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views":


YouTube announced plans on Wednesday to remove thousands of videos and channels that advocate for neo-Nazism, white supremacy and other bigoted ideologies in an attempt to clean up extremism and hate speech on its popular service.


The new policy will ban "videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion," the company said in a blog post. The prohibition will also cover videos denying that violent incidents, like the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, took place.


YouTube did not name any specific channels or videos that would be banned.


"It's our responsibility to protect that, and prevent our platform from being used to incite hatred, harassment, discrimination and violence," the company said in the blog post.


[…] The kind of content that will be prohibited under YouTube's new hate speech policies includes videos that claim Jews secretly control the world, those that say women are intellectually inferior to men and therefore should be denied certain rights, or that suggest that the white race is superior to another race, a YouTube spokesman said.


Channels that post some hateful content, but that do not violate YouTube's rules with the majority of their videos, may receive strikes under YouTube's three-strike enforcement system, but would not be immediately banned.


The company also said that channels that "repeatedly brush up against our hate speech policies," but don't violate them outright, would be removed from YouTube's advertising program, which allows channel owners to share in the advertising revenue their videos generate.



Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.6679209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Underground Video Shows ‘Moderate’ Jaysh Al-Izza Group’s ‘High-Tolerance’ for Al-Qaeda in Syria


On June 4, supporters of Jaysh al-Izza released a short video throwing light on the group’s high-tolerance to al-Qaeda ideology.


The video shows Jaysh al-Izza General Commander Major Jamil al-Saleh congratulating a group of his fighters on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr in a underground bunker. One of the fighters greeted by Saleh was wearing a batch of the Islamic Black Standard with the Seal of Muhammad. This is a well-known symbol of al-Qaeda and the official flag of ISIS.


Jaysh al-Izza’s media office made an attempt to hide the footage by releasing a heavily edited version of the meeting on their official YouTube channel. However, the original footage was already shared by pro-government activists.


Formed in 2013, Jaysh al-Izza was one of the first Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in northern Syria to benefit from U.S. support through the CIA’s “Timber Sycamore” train and equip program, which had been approved by then U.S. President Barack Obama.


The group received loads of weapons from the U.S. including Grad rockets, as well as Fagot and TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs).


Jaysh al-Izza received this support under the pretension of being a “moderate group” led by a known Syrian Arab Army (SAA) defector, al-Saleh. However, the group’s acts were not in line with these claims.


Since its formation, Jaysh al-Izza has been deeply linked to al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the al-Nusra Front. The group became one of the main allies of al-Nusra when its changed its name to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in 2017.


Al-Saleh is known for having a close relationship with HTS’ leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani. This close relation was likely behind Jaysh al-Izza’s decision to avoind joining the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) last year.


The weapons supplied to Jaysh al-Izza were used to support several military operations of HTS. Some were even used in attacks on civilians. Last month, the group’s Grad rockets claimed the lives of four children in the government-held town of al-Suqaylabiyah in northern Hama.


Jaysh al-Izza’s “special relationships” with HTS and its high-tolerance to al-Qaeda ideology confirms the radical views of the group’s fighters and leader. Jaysh al-Izza members are not even making much efforts to hide this after the suspension of the U.S. support in 2017.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6679241   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The EU Votes and the CIA Wins Again



The European Union voted last month but not one of its 21st century war crimes and war criminals were a topic of conversation. The real possibility of a nuclear war between the EU and Russia wasn’t an issue either. The great European economic crime – bank bailouts and austerity – was brushed aside too. Instead the talk was about an abstract parliament of an even more abstract Europe. Like children in a playground, the 400 million EU voters are oblivious to the world around them. And so they voted in favor of the status quo.


The European Parliament decides nothing of substance within the EU, nonetheless it indicates the state of mind of the EU. And to say that that mindset is somnolent is an understatement. The people of the EU are sleepwalking amidst wars and into a possible Armageddon. But don’t wake them up! They’re dreaming of “common values” and having nightmares about immigrants.


The EU’s real issues are decided by non-Europeans. The Pentagon, Wall Street and the White House determine Europe’s economic and foreign policies, as well as its “security”. And the CIA covertly polices it all. These are the unspoken truths about the EU. And have been since the beginning of the European experiment – way back in the 1940s.


European integration was an American idea. As the preeminent neoconservative, Robert Kagan, points out in the latest Foreign Affairs magazine, the whole point of American policy in Western Europe, after the Second World War, was to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” Keeping “the Americans in” being the key objective.


With this in mind, the Americans began to construct a solid anticommunist block in the West of Europe in the late 1940s. Today’s EU is the result of this US / CIA fanaticism. Writing in 2016, in the conservative British newspaper The Telegraph, the journalist, Ambrose Evans Pritchard, notes that:


“declassified documents from the State Department archives [show] that US intelligence funded the European movement secretly for decades, and worked aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into the project.”


Pitchard adds:


“The Schuman Declaration that set the tone of Franco-German reconciliation – and would lead by stages to the European Community – was cooked up by the US Secretary of State Dean Acheson at a meeting in Foggy Bottom. “It all began in Washington,” said Robert Schuman’s chief of staff.”


“And the CIA? “one memorandum [within the declassified documents] dated July 26, 1950, reveals a campaign to promote a full-fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the Central Inteligence Agency.


“The key CIA front was the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE), chaired by Donovan. Another document shows that it provided 53.5 per cent of the European movement’s funds in 1958. The board included Walter Bedell Smith and Allen Dulles, CIA directors in the Fifties, and a caste of ex-OSS officials who moved in and out of the CIA.


“Papers show that it treated some of the EU’s ‘founding fathers’ as hired hands, and actively prevented them finding alternative funding that would have broken reliance on Washington.”

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.6679261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ISIS Remnants Regroup and Attack Syrian Army Posts in the Desert with U.S. Help


ISIS Remnants Regroup and Attack Syrian Army Posts in the Desert with U.S. Help


Al-Faydah desert, to the south of Al-Mayadeen, is another theater for the movement of remnants of ISIS in the Syrian desert.


Syrian army units and their allies in a fierce clash with a convoy of the (terrorist) organization resulted in a number killed and wounded in their ranks.


A growing activity which in details included attacking military points last April in the vicinity of Sokhna, an activity that followed the breaking of ISIS in Al-Baghouz and the International Coalition facilitating the moving of ISIS fighters deep into the desert to add pressure against the Syrian army.


Mohammed Abbas – Military expert: This enclave ends with the end of the war on Syria because it is covered today by fire, diplomatic, political, logistical and military through US forces, Is it a serious threat? Yes, it poses is a serious risk because it is a connected danger, a constant danger because the Americans invest in it.


No accurate figures of what remains of ISIS in the Syrian desert, estimates that the number is between1000 to 2000 armed men, Spread over a large area in the vicinity of Jabal al-Bishri southeast of Raqqa and Dafina southwest of Deir al-Zour and between the desert of Palmyra and Al-Sokhna and the vicinity of the 55th area in Al-Tanf.


Mohammed Abbas: We must remember well that the region is a strategic area and very important, and maybe the separation area in the US war on Syria, I mean the area stretching from Al-Tanf to Albuakmal and Al-Sukhna, and this desert area (Al-Badia) is the area of separation on which America bet on with its alternative armies, It’s called the US Alternative Army which wants to cut the road between Iraq and Syria, cut Iran’s way towards Syria.


The terrorist organization members benefited from the difficult terrain to hide in hills, valleys, and deep calcareous caves, and wide maneuvering areas that they know well as being from the region or due to their staying in it for years.


The solid structure of ISIS was broken during major battles fought by the Syrian army and its allies along the Syrian desert. To eliminate the remnants of ISIS requires a major military effort, in parallel with finishing the American presence in Al-Tanf, which formed a source of support for the movements of this (ISIS) organization.

Anonymous ID: 310130 June 5, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.6679296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel gets first gay minister: Ohana appointed interim justice minister


The move comes just one day ahead of Thursday's LGBTQ Pride parade in Jerusalem.


Amir Ohana will be Israel's first gay minister ever after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to appoint him interim justice minister.


The move comes ahead of Thursday's gay pride parade in Jerusalem.The official Prime Minister's Office statement announcing the appointment emphasized Ohana's professional qualifications as "a lawyer who is very familiar with the legal system," his law degree and his apprenticeship in the State's Attorney's Office Tel Aviv district. The statement said Ohana has appeared before courts across the country and sponsored key legislation in the Knesset, including the Nation-State Law.


But Netanyahu's spokesman Yonatan Urich singled out only the history Netanyahu was making in the appointment: "For the first time ever, a member of the LGBT community will be a senior member of the Israeli government."


"As a Jew, as an Israeli, as the partner of the love of my life Alon Haddad, as the father of Ella and David, as a mizrachi (Sephardi), as a Likudnik, as a Beersheva resident, as a liberal and as a lawyer who has spent thousands of hours in court, it is a great honor to serve Israel as justice minister," Ohana said. "I want to thank the prime minister for putting his hige trust in me and all those who have moved me with their congratulations."


Ohana replaces Ayelet Shaked who Netanyahu fired on Sunday. Netanyahu is expected to appoint several more ministers from Likud next week, but he had to expedite the appointment of a justice minister, because Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit ruled that Netanyahu could not hold the portfolio due to his ongoing criminal cases.


Shaked wished best of luck to her successor and offered to assist him in any way possible. The appointment was praised by top figures in Likud, including Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev and MK Uzi Dayan.


But Union of Right-wing Parties MK Bezalel Smotrich criticized the appointment, because he wanted it for himself. He accused Netanyahu of mistreating the religious Zionist sector and warned that "lessons will be learned."


The Likud responded that there would soon be appointments from the Union of Right-wing Parties but added that Ohana's appointment meant that Smotrich's wish of a counctry led by religious law would not come true. Smotrich's party responded to the Likud by saying that Netanyahu "took Smotrich's words about running the country by Jewish law out of context in an ugly way."