Anonymous ID: 60ca4f June 5, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6679135   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9145 >>9168 >>9382

It is Globalism vs Nationalism.


That’s pretty much the two party system.


Unfortunately, the Democrats all rally together in Globalism while half the Republicans cross over to it. And I’ve said for quite a while that McConnell should go. IMO, he’s eyebrow deep in greed and corruption.


The Tea Party fought from within the Republican ranks to purge all those corrupt, greedy, worthless pieces of crap. They at least made some headway. The Democrats are too fully immersed, so there’s little likelihood of their party doing the same thing. The best they can accomplish is the #walkaway movement. But then, all the voting fraud fills up that space and then some by a huge margin.


It’s an uphill battle. MAGA, KAG, aren’t just slogans. It’s the battle cry of people trying to save our Republic. Unless we return the media and the Educational System back to normalcy, I fear we don’t have much hope of a lasting Republic.


Trump’s legacy will be greater than Reagan’s. He’s already the President who returned American Industry and Commerce back to thriving, who drained the swamp (make no mistake, he has done a great deal to drain the swamp), who brought the USA back to national economics while curtailing globalism, and who helped the European Countries remove greedy globalist leaders. In just 2 years.


Make America Great Again … A way of life built upon the Founding Father’s views of a Constitutional Republic.

Anonymous ID: 60ca4f June 5, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6679189   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9220

Republican Trump supporters have POWER they do not realize.


If 63 million plus Americans stopped buying Chinese made products and Mexican imports even for 30 days, it would make a YUGE impact.


But it seems as much as citizens support Trump they do not want to step up to the plate with anything more than words.


No marches on Washington planned to let the Rhinos understand how YUGE Patriots are.


No protests in large visible numbers descending on DC to let them know 94% of Republicans support Trump and his tariffs.


No marches in the districts of these Rhinos planned.


They ignore emails and phone calls, but they cannot ignore when the populace en masse rise up in protest.




(No violence, for those who are able find it in this post)

Anonymous ID: 60ca4f June 5, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6679240   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9254 >>9259



Heres a suggestion; Patriots already KNOW the D.C. Political class ignore their letters, emails and phone calls.


THEY DON’T CARE, cause they figure they don’t HAVE to; they have rigged the system, thru gerrymandering districts, primary manipulation, etc.


But, do you have RepubliCAN STATE senators or Govenor? If so, consider calling THEM. THEY care. Ask them yes or no. Are they with PDJT, or with Mitch.


Simple question, and your answer is going to detirmine whether I vote for you, next election, or work my ASS off, to primary you next election


It really is THAT simple, and THAT important. If RepubliCAN Governors, State Senators and even mayors get this message, it MAY resonate upwards.


Beats the heck out of wasting your time on D.C., cause thats a lost cause that only depletes,some of your cold, getting hot anger, without accomplishing anything.


This is WAR, and Patriots need to fight smarter, not harder.