Anonymous ID: 492c22 June 6, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.6687967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6632210 God proof pb

>>6632247 God proof - 2 pb

>>6632380 God proof - 3 pb

>>6666120 God proof - 4 pb

>>6667247 God prrof - 5 pb

>>6671463 God proof - 6

>>6671480 God proof - Yod continued


God proof - 7 vav


After God created the void within himself; represented by the yod י, he the spoke into the void with represented by the vav ו . The vav is a yod which is extended downward.


It distinguished them - ו


Heb 4:12 For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


The vav ו looks like a sword and represents the word of God which is like a sword. The word clarifies, or explains things by slicing them apart and puting them back together. As a prefix, the vav is translated 'and'. 'And' joins two things, but divides them by acknowledging that they are different. This is the early form of what you learned in English 101 to compare and contrast. The vav is the metaphor for doing that.


Some rabbis call the zayin ז the sword. This doesn't prove out as the mystery is solved. The do use the word 'clarify' when speaking of the vav.


The act of 'speaking into' by it's nature, declares that God and the void are not the same. The vav clarifies the relationship of God to his creation.


Jot and tittle


Jot comes from the Greek iota which is phonetically similar to yud י and in Greek and Hebrew represents the smallest thing. This is Christ as the least of these. But it also contains every thought God had of creation, every word he spoke to create, and everything he created.


Col 1:17 and he is before all things, and in him all things consist.


Tittle in Greek means 'horn'. In Hebrew the word for 'horn' is 'qaran' קרן which by formation means 'redemption revealed in the cross'. Horns in the Bible are proclamations.


All of the other letters are formed by yods and vavs. All words are formed by letters. All things were created by words. When Jesus said that not a jot or tittle would pass away, he said that not the smallest thing, not a single declaration, nor a single aspect of Gods will, would be lost.