>>6632210 God proof pb
>>6632247 God proof - 2 pb
>>6632380 God proof - 3 pb
>>6666120 God proof - 4 pb
>>6667247 God prrof - 5 pb
>>6671463 God proof - 6
>>6671480 God proof - Yod continued
>>6687967 God proof - 7 vav
God proof - 8 aleph
The unpronounceable name of God א
The aleph is formed by drawing a diagonal vav and attaching two yods. If you try to pronounce the yod-vav-yod in order within the letter, it sounds like 'ee-oo-ee'. This is real close to Yahweh, the supposedly unpronounceable name of God. The name in the aleph is unpronounceable in the aleph because the aleph is a silent letter.
Someone heard that you couldn't say the name of God, and misunderstood it to be a commandment rather than an observation. God told Moses to say the approximation of his unspeakable name 'Yahweh' יהוה. [1] Too often what should produce a natural awe of God is used to form religious coercion.
With the aleph God silently declares "I am" though it would not have mattered if he had thundered it; no one was there to hear him. There is also an invisible aleph before Ge 1:1 (meaning that he spoke and created the heavens and the earth when there was no one there to see him do it either. <Ancient riddle>
Why would God have an unpronounceable name anyway? The act of naming something is a symbol of taking dominion or possession. [2] The name reflects your character since the word 'name' also means 'reputation'. God's unpronounceable name means that no one knows his reputation. [3] The unpronounceable name belongs to the Father; his name before creation. The pronounceable one belongs to the Son.
Additional evidence of his hidden name comes from the name יוידע Yowyada which means Jehovah knows. When the parts of the aleph are joined to be an aleph, אדע Adah mean 'I know'. Yahweh (Jehovah) is the I am.
Creation א
God created by separating. Even the word 'create' bara ברא means 'separate'. As the diagonal stroke of the aleph is drawn it separates top from bottom and right from left. The two yods represent two aspects of creation;heaven and earth, and grace and holiness.
The word 'heaven' contains metaphor for the Father, Son and Spirit. The Holy Trinity was separated from the earth when the heavens were separated from the earth.
The separation of heaven and earth signifies God's holiness. The separation of holiness and grace (right and left) divides his revelation of himself into two parts. We are incapable of understanding holiness and grace together, on our own.
If a criminal goes free, we don't cheer the wonderful grace, but cry that there is no justice. If we are the criminal and don't get to go free, we do not praise the wonderful justice. We whine that there is no mercy. When we mix law and grace, or holiness and love, we mess it up.
But God is both. He is a just God and a merciful God. To reveal that to us, his law is revealed to show us his justice, and the cross is revealed to satisfy that justice while giving us mercy.
Hint: As you run across all the laws against mixing things; seeds, garments, etc. They are all teaching aids for this concept: only Christ can reveal the Father by reconciling Holiness and Love.
The aleph represents the Trinity as seen above, and in Hebrew, where letters also represent numbers, it is the number one. The three are one. When you add up the letters in the name aleph אלף (and reduce) they add to 3.
The name 'aleph' means one thousand, and we see the hint of wordplay when we are told that a day is like a thousand years. It also means 'ox'. There is more wordplay in Ps 50:10 "cattle on a thousand hills'. Aleph also means teach or learn as a secondary metaphor. An ox is a cow which has been taught to pull a plow.
The metaphor aleph
The metaphor represents creation by dividing. Samples of it's expression elsewhere are:
God spoke and created the heavens and the earth.
The Spirit hovered over the face of the waters. (Separation by holiness)
The firmament was between the waters (Reconciliation by the Messiah)
He separated the water above and the waters below. (Removing judgement from the word. See removing the axe from the stream)
War between heaven and earth
Ex 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Ge 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought [them] unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that [was] the name thereof.
Joh 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared [him].