Anonymous ID: 3085fa June 20, 2019, 3:50 a.m. No.6797143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Digs last night about nxivm, CGI, CF and the connections brought on a shill distraction shit storm last night. Shills can't attack this dig directly for some reason, it seems to be off limits. Any Anons on this dig have any fresh sauce this morning?



Allison Mack of NXIVM Sex Cult Naming Big Names



20 Apr 2018 - 9:30:58 PM

Mack is naming names.

Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).


The ‘Standard’ Hotel.

Helicopter crash.

All related.

Future will prove past.


Feeling ok today?

Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?

Tick TOCK (LLC).







21 Mar 2019 - 12:15:06 AM


21 Mar 2019 - 12:12:24 AM


4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler9.png


4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler5.png


4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler8.png


4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler14.png


4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler15.jpg



Keep digging, Anons.




I bet if we dig up something that can't be ignored Q will make an appearance.

Anonymous ID: 3085fa June 20, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.6797595   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It all connects.


Look at the bottom of Q post and read up post.



Tech Companies & Intelligence Agencies WW Spying on Citizens



28 Mar 2018 - 5:17:02 PM

Think outside the box.

Timing of release.

Post Facebook NEWS.

Facebook WW.




Tracking active.

Listening active.

Data shared.

Data USED.


Kickbacks BIG TIME>


Bypass regulations/laws?

Intelligence A's across the globe in partnership to spy on citizens?

Constitutional crisis?


Who can you trust?

Who organized?

How do social media/search engine platforms 'weight' elections?

Regulation or KILL-stop?

Peace through STRENGTH.



Why is HUSSEIN traveling the world conducting high-level meetings?

Use logic.

Nancy Salzman [historical timeline].

MSM will not highlight 'bottom to top' unravel.


Anonymous ID: 3085fa June 20, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6797659   🗄️.is 🔗kun



From the Emerald Tablets, funny coincidence that you are talking about angles and circles…


List ye, O man,

to the depth of my wisdom.

Speak I of knowledge hidden from man.

Far have I been

on my journey through SPACE-TIME,

even to the end of space of this cycle.

Aye, glimpsed the HOUNDS of the Barrier,

lying in wait for he who would pass them.

In that space where time exists not,

faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles.

Move they only through angles.

Free are they not of the curved dimensions.

Strange and terrible

are the HOUNDS of the Barrier.

Follow they consciousness to the limits of space.

Think not to escape by entering your body,

for follow they fast the Soul through angles.

Only the circle will give ye protection,

save from the claws


Once, in a time past,

I approached the great Barrier,

and saw on the shores where time exists not,

the formless forms

of the HOUNDS of the barrier.

Aye, hiding in the midst beyond time I found them;

and THEY, scenting me afar off,

raised themselves and gave the great bell cry

that could be heard from cycle to cycle

and moved through space toward my soul.

Fled I then fast before them,

back from time's unthinkable end.

But ever after me pursued they,

moving in strange angles not known to man.

Aye, on the gray shores of TIME-SPACE'S end

found I the HOUNDS of the Barrier,

ravening for the Soul

who attempts the beyond.

Fled I through circles back to my body.

Fled, and fast after me they followed.

Aye, after me the devourers followed,

seeking through angles to devour my Soul.

Aye, know ye man,

that the Soul who dares the Barrier

may be held in bondage

by the HOUNDS from beyond time,

held till this cycle is completed

and left behind

when the consciousness leaves.

Entered I my body.

Created the circles that know not angles,

created the form

that from my form was formed.

Made my body into a circle

and lost the pursuers in the circles of time.

But, even yet, when free from my body,

cautious ever must I be

not to move through angles,

else my soul may never be free.

Know ye, the HOUNDS of the Barrier

move only through angles

and never through curves of space.

Only by moving through curves

can ye escape them,

for in angles they will pursue thee.

O man, heed ye my warning;

Seek not to break open

the gate to beyond.

Few there are

who have succeeded in passing the Barrier

to the greater LIGHT that shines beyond.

For know ye, ever the dwellers,

seek such Souls to hold in their thrall.

Listen, O man, and heed ye my warning;

seek ye to move not in angles but curves,

And if while free from thy body,

though hearest the sound like the bay of a hound

ringing clear and bell-like through thy being,

flee back to thy body through circles,

penetrate not the midst mist before.

When thou hath entered the form thou hast dwelt in,

use thou the cross and the circle combined.

Open thy mouth and use thou thy Voice.

Utter the WORD and thou shalt be free.

Only the one who of LIGHT has the fullest

can hope to pass by the guards of the way.

And then must he move

through strange curves and angles

that are formed in direction not know to man.

List ye, O man, and heed ye my warning:

attempt not to pass the guards on the way.

Rather should ye seek to gain of thine own Light

and make thyself ready to pass on the way.

LIGHT is thine ultimate end, O my brother.

Seek and find ever the Light on the way.


Emerald Tablets.