Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 2:57 a.m. No.6796987   🗄️.is 🔗kun


… That…. Doesn't quite look like a morgue… Almost looks like some kind of fucked up movie prop storage, or something.


Creepy, because it looks like it could be real… But even if it is - it could be that some funeral home or morgue in another country has a very distorted sense of priorities.

I have no idea how to go about verifying it as being from a place or for a purpose… Other than "well… That's not normal and I would certainly be asking the owner of this place WTF is with either the way the dead bodies are being stored (let alone the presence of them) … Or the zombie suit collection in the basement."

Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 4:01 a.m. No.6797183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7203 >>7303


That's a rather confused way of looking at things. First "elites" are not always "elites." Wealth is a measure of your contribution to society and/or economy. Many "elites" are about to find that we don't really need their "services" and that their value rapidly contracts.


Second is that while it is true that many people are not nobles in thought or lifestyle - they are simple people who just want to live simple lives - that mentality is only "slavery" because the aforementioned "elite" have rationalized the simplicity of the average person as dangerous to the growth of society.

"What would these idiots possibly know to do with wealth?"

I am not saying that the likes of King of the Hill are going to get us to the moon if we gave them billion dollar budgets - but I can assure you they would see the value of having more factories with better energy sources/distribution and healthier societies.


In short - the average person may not have big ambitions, but they do tend to recognize good ideas - or when the idea on paper is far better than the reality that sprung from it. IE - there do not need to be "masters" and, therefore, no need for slaves.


Just because some are willing to help others achieve their ambitions does not mean they are slaves. There is a distinction between working for a fair wage as a partner or part of a company versus being impressed to labor through taxation by any other name.

Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 4:13 a.m. No.6797212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm rather skeptical of that claim.

True - Hollywood is full of all manner of fuckery - but the "everyone is a tranny" thing seems more like a form of displacement, to me.


"Hey, guise, let's go look at belly buttons and waist lines to try and figure out who is a tranny"

As opposed to "gee… Why are all of these people in "professional development clubs" that promise to groom people for acting, media, and political careers… And why was NXIVM just one of them?"


I mean… Maybe they are trannies - maybe they aren't. I barely pay attention to them and I don't have to worry about whether or not the hollywood celebrity I am dating is a dude with boobs(because forever alone). So - frankly, I couldn't give a fuck if half of them were aliens.


No matter what's going on with their DNA vs physical appearance, they do not deserve to be wrangled into these abusive cult "services" that use the power of fraternal orders to compel people into compromising actions/relations.

Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 4:44 a.m. No.6797284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7314


The real blood lines live among you, anon. I'll simply put it at that, as I've done enough grandstanding for today.


I'm not going to enter into a "poor pitiful me" debate as there's one at least every bread.

There are numerous changes coming - but what I will say is that the key to success for families is multi-fold.

First - think generationally. A son or daughter who must pay rent to another is money that is being paid from your children's future. Children should be encouraged to expand their experiences with purpose.

1a - children (late teens and adults) living at the family home should be expected to pay rent when not in studies. Rent should not go toward the parent's bills, but some form of asset store for the child. Responsibility and discipline are important, as is keeping them from stagnation. However, rent is taxation by another name and it directly damages the wealth of the next generation of a family.


Second - skills are wealth. Hard work is only part of the equation. Welding, reading of instructions and diagrams/schematics/prints, electronics and troubleshooting, CAD and CAM - all of these things are direct application to any job field whether it is self-employ or under a company. Parents must not only never stop learning or consider their own skill set complete - but must inspire their children to develop skills and trades.


Third - do not wait for another man or company to advance your career. Some will recognize hard work or untapped potential and seek to reward/develop it. Some will not. Consider everything you do in a job as entries onto a resume for another - or a higher position within the existing business. You are not going to complain your way to greater purchasing power.


Fourth - the cost of capability is an investment. The cost of a service is a consumable. $500 worth of tools can perform tens of thousands worth of services. Services are luxuries or for emergencies. Size according to your budget for luxuries.


Fifth - it starts with you.

Fair or not - you can't go back and teach your parents that so you can have gotten the benefits of such philosophies.

You have to start thinking about how to use the above to improve your condition and to prepare for a future generation that can have a better start than you did.


That will not change no matter what about the economic system changes. Even though I am a firm believer that things will get much better even for the mundane wage earner who does nothing but float - to truly take advantage of your life and improve things for our world - you have to think outside the "I want" and focus on "what will my children need?"

Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 5:23 a.m. No.6797382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're not listening.

I never said it was going to be easy. I also didn't say it was going to be fair.


First instruction was to think generationally for a reason. You are saying "I want to be rich." That's putting the cart before the horse.

Money is only as good as what it can buy.


You are also focused on the income side of the equation and the caste system. No one gives a fuck who you work for or what you make. Do you have the money to pay for what you are buying - or not?


The key, thus, is to manage the two things you can always have authority over - expenses, and the result of those expenses.

Are you pissing money into the dirt by buying things you don't need or trying to live in comfort at the cost of not being able to save?

Are you buying things you could make yourself for far less cost - or denying yourself a skill?


If your only thought process is that you need enough income to overcome your expenses and become wealthy - then you're thinking is extremely narrow and your rate of consumption is very likely to increase to match your growth of income.


You don't need to make six figures or more every year to start planning a way out of servitude.

There again, I live out in the midwest.

Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 5:41 a.m. No.6797439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7476 >>7510


Well, I'll lay out how I understand things.


Ukraine (C_A controlled) receives, indexes, and consolidates nuclear material.

Iran (C_A controlled) refines Uranium. Possibly does some other component manufacture.

Israel receives material and machines into warheads.

North Korea (prior C_A controlled) constructed missiles and tested munitions.


Each of which could also be used as critical geopolitical levers to sway COMEX or to create pressure on politicians.

There may be other nations involved, and someone was probably running a breeder reactor, somewhere.


The sanctions on Iran are starving the controlling regime of the funding they need to maintain control. Iran shut down social media at least a year ago over increasing protests. Persia is a media black hole as far as internals go, but the people, there, have been showing signs of considerable dissent toward the Iranian regime and factions there are likely to seize power if the regime is deprived of funds and political power needed to preserve its hegemony.


They are looking to extort protection money from companies and/or prompt a war, which would assist on galvanizing their population and open up opportunities to sell their war with us to powers looking to damage the U.S. in a proxy war.


Or they are just desperate and doing whatever retarded nonsense they can think of. Hard to know which at this point, it can be easy to give an opponent far more credit than they are due.

Anonymous ID: 7b7dca June 20, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.6797594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7665


I don't think Israel particularly cares about Iran - other than Hezbollah. Of course… hezbollah is funded by the Iranian regime, which is coordinated by both the CIA and the Israeli deep state. I'm not going to pretend to know exactly who is whom in fuckeryville - but the average person in Israel is not really itching to go fight Persia, I would be willing to bet (short of young adults who are in the military and bored and looking to go do something - most militaries will say they would rather be out shooting something than sitting around and waiting).


So - the problem is that the CIA and Mossad (or… Whoever is the problem) to be taken down. Which should be very interesting to see play out.