Anonymous ID: 45f315 June 20, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6800434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0710


I'm half Canadian, and my American ancestors worked on the Underground Railroad. I am INCREDIBLY PROUD of my heritage & THEIR accomplishments, but operative word being "THEIR" Accomplishments! I can't even get riled up at these ignorant fools who are allowing themselves to be played, yet again, by the race-baiters. Their indoctrination starts nearly from conception~ The mere fact that they were spared an abortion is a miracle. We strong women know we couldn't have been successful without the help of men… Successful Blacks know & appreciate the help of White Americans: PLEASE watch the testimony of the Conservatives yesterday! Truly INSPIRING! We have to work together before it's too late: If an Old White Dude from Manhattan can turn around an ex-con Black woman (Donald Trump & Alice Johnson) WE CAN DO IT, TOO! This is OUR TIME (& I'm an old granny, but I still have a little fight left)

Anonymous ID: 45f315 June 20, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.6800628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0657 >>0681 >>0692 >>0749 >>0781


I'm a Christian, but not a "go to church every Sunday" kind. I was raised to say bedtime prayers & we blessed every meal (or "we would choke"- my folks always said God had a sense of humor… "have you ever seen a duck-billed platypus?" they'd ask). So, what I can't figure out after studying Sun Tzu, Mao, Communism, and a variety of military strategies is WHY Christianity is always the FIRST to be banned in any nation that a dictator wants to take over? Christians have one answer & Military strategists have another answer, but I figured you Anons would have a unique perspective bc most of you are BOTH. It's not that we Christians are docile, but we won't kill with malice for simply NO reason. It seems we would make the ULTIMATE FIGHTING FORCES, NO? That's why we were so successful in WWI & WWII… So, why now are they trying to dismantle us instead of USING US to their advantage? This makes NO SENSE- Humans are INTRINSICALLY SPIRITUAL BEINGS: They're trying to change human nature? Or am I not understanding what they're trying to do. Thanks for any insight… This has been driving me crazy