Anonymous ID: 76edff June 20, 2019, noon No.6800024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0059 >>0174 >>0195 >>0206 >>0316 >>0508 >>0596 >>0647 >>0680 >>0727



Some incredibly important things have happened in the past week. Most are so focused on seeing high profile arrests that their judgement is skewed and they are missing the sophisticated plan unfolding before us.


-Gloria Vanderbilt deceased Monday


-Keith Reneire of NXIVM convicted on all counts


-Many threads will unravel as a result of NXIVM but notably there are already big names being outed - May in Arkansas, Shumer, etc


-The Supreme Court ruling on “Gamble v United States”. It was decided on the 17th. [Q day] It was a case about double jeopardy, deciding if for purposes of prosecuting offenses if individual State’s and the United States are separate sovereign entities and therefore each able to each prosecute a defendant for the same crime. The Supreme court ruled THEY WERE!


This has two affects


  1. After this ruling Trump immediately stated “millions of illegal aliens would be arrested next week”, meaning the states claims of sanctuary are not valid with regard to federal statutes.


  1. States that are not aligned to the US laws can be found to be “rebelling” against the US, as previously done by Lincoln during the first Civil War.


Couple this supreme court ruling with the rumblings with Iran hitting the ships with mines, shooting down a US drone last night and the US promising a response SOON – before Sunday.


Then the move to put Trumps hand-picked guy in charge of the Pentagon and the Army simultaneously. Sarah Sanders announced her departure and candidates to replace her are still not announced - Trump named a new SecDef within hours of Shanahan's withdrawal. Think this was pre-planned much?


I believe The Plan required NXIVM to be prosecuted prior to going after Hillary. AOC's comments about concentration camps related? DS is desperatly trying to start war in Iran? POTUS to be on AF1/Japan next week for G20? Seems to correlate.


Something very big is about to happen very SOON.


Might be time to ensure your prepped up on the essentials!!