Continued dig on today's JW Strzok-Page email dump
Part 2
Sorry for the delay, trying to be thorough. It's 351 pages.
:: Returning to end of prev post, James Baker's email to that long list of FBI personnel:
"Folks, I have canceled the 702 strategy meeting since many folks will be away. In preparation for the meeting with the Director on Tuesday on this topic, I will try to pull together a short overview paper that I will circulate beforehand. In the meantime, if CCRSB, STB, CTD, CD, CyD, WMDD, DI, OTD, OCA and OPA could help identify people who could help on the 702 working group from now until December, that would help us jump start this process. (Redacted) will be the point person here in OGC (with support from many others). Carl has already identified (redacted) from OSB.
— Obviously had a large group of people focused on 702s.
:: What on earth is the odd email in pic related about? Any guesses? What/who did Lisa Page "successfully kill"?
:: On April 26, Grassley sent them ANOTHER letter that they become very agitated about, starting with an email from Elizabeth Beers at the FBI Office of Congressional Affairs. (page 80, Grassley's letter begins p. 81) That letter prompted another frantic series of emails to set up meetings.
:: Peter Strzok discussing a Judicial Watch press release (being p. 94) "FBI Court Filing Reveals Grand Jury Targeted Hillary Clinton" that a Politico reporter sent to him. (page 91)
—FBI is in demonstrably constant contact with reporters
—Am observing an ingrained paranoia about not habitually avoiding individual decision-making and always spreading the risk to their careers by being damn sure to list others. This is stereotypical gubmint drone behavior, and the reason these people would fall flat on their faces in the private sector. They can't think for themselves, because they've been trained not to think, like rats in a maze.
:: Page 97 is the beginning of the court filing of a suit filed by Judicial Watch against Rex Tillerson (as Sec'ty of State) and David S. Ferreiro (as Archivist of the United States). Begins with Bill Priestap's testimony, quickly turns to the referral FBI received from the US Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) specifically dealing with Hillary Clinton's storage of classified materials in personal emails/devices. Talks about the FBI's acquisition or seeking of same (somebody help me remember when Hillary and Huma were smashing Blackberries with hammers) SEE pages 99 forward– there wasn't just one, but TWO "toilet servers" at Chappaqua– labeled in this suit as "Apple Server" and "Pagliano Server". Testimony details constant process of upgrading and replacement of the hardware (who did the work?) Further, the Pagliano Server was set to run a full backup to an external Seagate hard drive once a week (this makes 3, if you're counting) The Seagate drive was used from about 2009-2011, when it too was replaced with a Cisco Network Attached Storage device (here's number 4). Testimony states that the FBI was able to obtain the Pagliano Server, the Seagate drive, and the Cisco drive. In 2013, Platte River Networks enters the fray with a service agreement. PRN physically transported the Cisco drive to Equinix, a company in Secaucus NJ, where it and the data remained until 2015 when the FBI got it. Did Platte River Networks or Equinix have the proper clearance to be handling this data? DOUBTFUL.
:: The hardware-juggling shitshow continues in the testimony until page 105. It was so sloppy, so careless, so illegal. Caution to IT people reading it– be sure you're sitting down.
:: ISIC examinations requested by FBI determined that 81 emails chains were transmitted & stored on Hillary's UNCLASSIFIED personal servers, and ranged in classification levels from CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM levels during the timeframe (2009-2013).
Further, 68 of those 81 email chains remain classified.
ALSO there were an additional 2000 emails contained classified CONFIDENTIAL and 1 email classified which existed on "at least two of Clinton's personal server systems."
:: Page 108 notes that no conclusion could be made about whether HRC email accounts or mobile devices were hacked because they knew they didn't have all the hardware.
"The FBI did find that hostile foreign actors successfully gained access to the personal email accounts of individuals with whom Clinton was in regular contact (let's see, Huma, Jake Sullivan, Sid Blumenthal, maybe?) and in doing so, obtained emails sent to or received by Clinton on her personal account."
:: Page 108 tells the story of how/why Bill Clinton's staff (Justin Cooper) decided to put that server in the bathroom in the first place.
:: Page 109 lists a few of the umpteen email addresses Bill and Hillary used. Many pages of testimony breaking down the many IT actions performed.