Anonymous ID: 040e44 June 25, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6842284   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2336 >>2359 >>2366 >>2494 >>2782


The compassion you feel is misguided. You’ve been guilted into a corner by media and your worthless “higher” education.


The reality is, without the heavy hand of government, and the massive amount of corruption, and the heavy taxation of hard working citizens to fund meaningless wars and social justice programs.


We the people can do more for those in need and those who share the spirit of America and respect our founding documents.


The lie you have been told since you were born is that the government should do a better job to take care of people in need.


Prosperous people help people in need better than the government ever will. See if you can get a refund for your political science degree.


It’s neither political or scientific.


Stop the globalists first. Helping those in need now without bounds is helping the globalists achieve their “utopian” dream, that looks more like hunger games than a palace in the sky.

Anonymous ID: 040e44 June 25, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.6842494   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2531 >>2578 >>2782







Beyond that - with the resources available today, although spiked by our investigative branches and our big tech companies, America now has the power to educate the world and preach the concept of personal responsibility and individual liberty.


Our founding fathers built a system of limited government because they knew that unbridled, the power of people was magnificent.


It wasn’t social programs and welfare that created great things, it was freedom and liberty and an open market where people could benefit from the fruits of their labor and the investment of their time, life’s most precious asset.


We should be helping the world by helping release them from the grasp of the push for global government before they give up the or most basic freedoms for more security.


The “security” is a myth, it is a method of control, and no the planet isn’t dying. Bundle up because it’s going to get cold for the next 10 years as the sun goes through it’s natural solar cycle, and all Americans need to come together to stop the forces that wish to destroy us. We the people are the only thing in their way.


There are no hyphenated-Americans, (i.e. African Asian Gay Tranny Indian) we are all Americans or we are progressives. Progressives need to get their passports and visit a socialist/communist country before they can vote again. The infighting is self destructive.

Either we are Americans, or we’re just getting in the way of Making America Great Again. I’m not saying it was perfect, what I can tell you is that it’s been a lot worse since the Progressives took over our Government 60-100 years ago.

Let’s restore our country to its values and Americans all bleed red white and blue. I don’t care what color you are, what you do for work or who you choose to sleep with. If you love America, I love you.


We either stop this shit now, and help Awaken our Brother and Sisters, take our county back from the Progressives in Government, Media and Hollywood, or we’ll wind up sitting in a cube in a mega city under full time surveillance wondering what the hell just happened.


God Speed Patriots


Looking forward to Independence Day!

We’re due for a bit of Independence again.


MAGA now MEGA later.

Anonymous ID: 040e44 June 25, 2019, 6:40 p.m. No.6842597   🗄️.is đź”—kun


“When the news breaks we fix it” - CNN

“Aid the afflicted, afflict the comfortable” -CNN


Which branch are you stationed? Atlanta, DC, or LA? Say hi to Richard Griffiths and Joe Sterling.


Progressive journalists like yourself will go down in history as the most treasonest shills ever known to mankind.


In the concept of ideas, you have already lost.

Anonymous ID: 040e44 June 25, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.6842770   🗄️.is đź”—kun



They are imbedded in our local governments as well. This isn’t going away after some arrests just like Communism didn’t go away when Reagan tore “down that wall” in Germany.


Progressives have their tentacles into everything, education, media, local government, Hollywood. Our population is being brainwashed to buy their bs.


It’s real simple, you know global government isn’t a good idea or they would just tell is about it and have us vote on it to get it over with.


The fact that the masses must be made dependent and brainwashed in school and on tv and in the paper and at the movies, tells you that their idea of utopia doesn’t match yours.


Put Agenda 21/2030 up for a debate and a vote and let’s see where the chips lie.