Flags out, Patriots! I said last week I’d get us a flag. Here it is. Redactions serve to keep Mil personnel signatures private, and to keep anons anon. Love you fags, nohomo.
Heck yeah bruddah. This movement is my only inspiration for getting to GTMO and this board helped me realize and expand a dream. I am going to the States very soon and have /qr/ to thank for over a year of my life at GTMO that I will never forget. Not to mention all of the rest of the time on this board. Thank you and 8 can’t wait for the free beers at THE parade. Not this one, I am going to another out of the way base, but THE parade will be amazing with you Patriots.
10-4. Thanks for yours anon.
Next Bread anon…very publicly consumable Q&A. I’m not a traitor nor am I authorized to talk about the things I have seen but I can help tie together the publicly-available things that are out there and may have also come to this board.