>>>6842216 (You)
>The goal is to be compassionate after we the people get our country back from the globalists.
Or, in short…
"Justice for me but none for thee".
>>>6842216 (You)
>The goal is to be compassionate after we the people get our country back from the globalists.
Or, in short…
"Justice for me but none for thee".
Who is behind the Qanon conspiracy? We've traced it to three people https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/how-three-conspiracy-theorists-took-q-sparked-qanon-n900531
That number of disappeared kids that keeps getting thrown around here is WRONG.
If you read past the number who are kidnapped, you will see that the vast majority are eventually found alive and returned.
I thought you guys were researchers.
Kidnapping Statistics
Thats where they got the number From. Every time you people don't want to believe something you attack the source.
You people are so incredibly closed minded.
Missing children in U.S. nearly always make it home alive https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-missing-children/missing-children-in-u-s-nearly-always-make-it-home-alive-idUSBRE83P14020120426
Need to take "research movement" out of your header.
I'm not saying the number is wrong I'm saying if you look further that you will see the majority of those kids are found those are just numbers of kids who go missing. Not the ones who are never found again. Some research movement you have here.
You are cherry picking information and nothing more. That is not research, collaborative or otherwise.
All that's done here is turd polishing.
I am far to reasonable and down to earth to swallow this tripe without question.
I think I will fuck off. This board is too hateful, ignorant for me.
“Congress didn’t provide for remedies for circumstances like this because it was inconceivable…
that there would be a conspiracy between our government & a serial child molester. Who could have conceived of that?’’
Seriously? Only 5?
It was never real to begin with. Just a hoax. You may not like it but you really should read this.✌
Who is behind the Qanon conspiracy? We've traced it to three people https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/how-three-conspiracy-theorists-took-q-sparked-qanon-n900531
Yes. There has always been things like this happening. Only not a worldwide satanic cabal of child molesting, torturing, and eating democrats.
There is nobody "harvesting" adrenochrome and trump is not what you have made him out to be.
This conspiracy theory got out of hand and now has become just like a religion to so many.
Declass. What info is supposed to be de-classed? And if its still sealed and classified how did you find out?
Not that I care at all for Hillary or Trump, but.
Do you think that crimes committed by someone else makes it okay for trump to commit crimes?
Lets just say Hillary did commit actual crimes… No crime that she committed would excuse or cancel it out if he did the same thing.