>>6840896 (PB)
There is no SS / Blackwater level protection around him. If anyone with a modicum of awareness wanted David Hogg down, he'd be down already. That he is still around to spout off is proof that no one wants him dead badly enough to roll out of bed and do it. Likely the closest he's ever come to an assassination attempt is to be mailed a postage-due letter.
I wonder what would happen if someone put a 1"-2" square of white reflective tape on his front door at about eye height. I bet he'd have his most exciting summer ever.
Then, in September, do the same to his dormitory door. KEK
I am NOT suggesting that anyone harm or even threaten him. I'm not even sure the USPS will deliver postage-due letters these days. But if Chicken-Little wants to scream that the sky is falling when it isn't, it would only be neighborly to help him – right?