This statement by PV expresses the absolute fear abs trepidation these whistleblowers take on by exposing big tech, please brothers, pray for these brave souls
TIP OF THE SPEAR: Veritas Insiders Take On Next Tech Giant
by James O'Keefe
June 21, 2019
in News Posts / Veritas Leaks
On Monday, Project Veritas will launch our next investigation into the most powerful entities in the world, and it won’t be anything like what the scientist in this scene experienced.
In a recent series called Chernobyl, the head of the KGB confronts a dissident scientist for telling the truth. The KGB Chairman asserts the power of the state and argues that it would be impossible to resist with heroism:
KGB Chairman:
“You’re one of us, Legasov. I can do anything I want with you. But what I want most is for you to know that I know. You’re not brave. You’re not heroic. You’re just a dying man who forgot himself.”
“I know who I am, and I know what I’ve done. In a just world, I’d be shot for my lies, but not for this, not for the truth.”
KGB Chairman:
“Scientists and your idiotic obsessions with reason. When the bullet hits your skull, what will it matter why?
“…Your testimony today will not be accepted by the State. It will not be disseminated in the press. It never happened. No, you will live, however long you have, but not as a scientist, not anymore. You’ll keep your title and your office, but no duties, no authority, no friends. No one will talk to you. No one will listen to you. Other men, lesser men, will receive credit for the things you have done. Your legacy is now their legacy.”
“…You will remain so immaterial to the world around you that when you finally do die, it will be exceedingly hard to know that you ever lived at all.”
“What if I refuse?”
KGB Chairman:
“Why worry about something that isn’t going to happen?”
Something that isn’t going to happen. As Lord Acton once said, “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Those in power often believe that they are above the law, that resistance is futile.
This was on the mind of the Big Tech insider who is the subject of our next story. As I was recently dropping him off at his hotel room, he was worried about whether his efforts would make a difference. He was even afraid for his life.
He was waiting for our call for a long time. He desired the truth to be disseminated, but he had given up some hope.
I told him we were pursuing the story endlessly since our recent phone call. I told him about all the specific sources and undercover work that we had done; spending 25% of our time treasure and talent working for the last two years trying to expand upon the truth of what he had recently told Project Veritas. We also obtained confidential internal documents corroborating what he told us. I showed these documents to my team, endlessly expressing their importance, and informed him it was my main mission for the last year.
Upon hearing all that we had done, without knowing about it or being given an update for a year, he burst out into tears and hugged me profusely. It was like a valve within him was released and the tears came pouring. He knew at the moment everything was going to be okay.
“This will have made all the difference now. It doesn’t matter what I do next in my life, everything else is a bonus after this. They won’t be able to hurt me now. They won’t be able to put me in an information box. With what I’ve gone through, I will not be irrelevant, it will not be in vain.”
These stories wouldn’t be possible without brave insiders who were willing to blow the whistle and sacrifice everything.
Before this launch, I want to explain why these brave souls are coming to us…
The common theme among the people coming to us is that they have a “justice complex.” Their love of their country and of the truth is so strong, they are willing to overcome fear of retaliation against their reputation, against their family, and the fear of losing their careers.
Friends, a movement of heroes is coming forward, and we haven’t seen anything like this since the time of the Boston Tea party.
People have had enough of the media’s misrepresentations, omissions, and lies. Oligarchs want to put information into a box and it is motivating the citizen journalist to take action. To be brave. To do something.