Thank you, Judge Bloom, for setting aside dozens of precedents prohibiting people from lying to government officials or using falsified documents. Now we can all lie to government officials, including judges like you, Judge Bloom, and make up whatever documentation is demanded by government officials. Freeeeeeedom!
The InPower Movement is exploring ways to reclaim our individual sovereignty. There are some vids on YouTube. I think the leader's name is Washington. Check it out.
The IRS must never again be used as a weapon against people for political goals. The IRS and the Federal reserve should be abolished. Public servants who are betraying the public by failing to enforce the law equally unto all people should be fined or locked up, depending on the severity of their duplicity and malfeasance.
Gold/silver/ammo… and lupins. Just put in an order with Dennis Moore…
Kirsten Sinema is a lying communist traitor whose elevation to office was done by election fraud on a massive scale.
Based on the freshness of this photo & timing of it preceding POTUS' tweet about being interviewed by Bartiromo, I just want to say, "Hi low-profile Q!"
Ignorant statement lumping the behavior of all American girls as IF they all behave exactly alike.