Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 5:48 a.m. No.6845312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5376

>>6845257 (pb)


antishilling is taxing.

it's going to be awesome.

the tech will be so easy that we'll literally just be able to float away from them.

Like birds with the whole galaxy as our air in which to fly.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 5:52 a.m. No.6845334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5467


a national student loan ferensic audit of all instruments of finance connected with student loan dollars and debt servicing could be the next 'Moon Shoot' like program. Only it would be in financial accounting.

It could start with mandatory bookkeeping and auditing classes for high school students. Make 'Financial Auditor' a requirement of students and also have a draft or recruitment for a military program of Ferensic Auditors to do battle with the minons of other 'finanacial accountability' experts like Lizzy Warran.


Every high school student would be required to be able to run a full audit on the books of any institution of governance.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 6:24 a.m. No.6845445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5656


was there not the implication of 'pension funds' for various 'agencies or governance' that invested in bonds linked to Student loans?

the loans were for students at schools.

politicians were profiteering off of this, through their pension plans, was the implication. It would need to be audited.


The bonds were issued to the school.

they can only be paid back through non-tax dollars.

the bonds were sold to the pension funds.

the schools pay the bonds back mostly through 'tuition' thus that is the money that students had to borrow to go to that school.

the bonds pay a very good rate of return.

the implication was that various well connected pension funds associated with players from the last regime (Barry's gang) were profiteering off of that arrangement through a pension fund called ? ? ? I don't want to get it wrong.

anyway, ya, I think some people are on it.

I am hoping it will BREAK and some of the college bond/ student loan looters will be outted and forced to pay back undue gains.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.6845509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5533


any 'bail out' that pays out to the issuers and holders of those notes is a give away to the pension funds of governance that profiteered off of driving the cost of college through the roof, and provided the easy credit to go there.

all solutions must include an forensic audit of all the bond issues of those schools, paid through tuition monies, and a claw-back from profiteers in both the public and private sectors, including well known pension funds, and private hedge funds of the Houti touti.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6845610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5639


any buyers of any 'college debt' ought to be audited.

if there are conflicts of interest, and I guess tehy might find that, the people need to pay back and be held accountable.


Failure to follow through on their duties as officers of the college. Conflict of interest.

The bond underwriters, as well, are part of the equation. It may even include bonds bought by towns for their pension funds.


bond issues by colleges are suspect, all the way around. All college bond issues going back 50 years should have to undergo a forensic audit.

It's the new Moon Shot.


Train a generation of auditors to unwind all the graft.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.6845690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they take the money that they get from the bonds, at high interest, and they build giant facilities (which allows them to get kick backs through contruction).

they repay the bonds through tuition.

tuition is paid through student loans.

the loans are guaranteed by the government.

the bonds, issued by the college, are sold to friends of the college administration.

the issue is lucrative one because it has the guaranteed pay back through the student tuition.

they were able to do this to staffup for the liberal elections. They did massive infrastructure expansion.

they were basically looting the monies of tuition into instant infrastructure.


an audit is needed, obviously, that is why I keep suggesting it.

Why: to profiteer off of letting contracts out to build all the infrastructure.

to staff up with progressives who are used as political operators.

to fund all the liberal goony goo goos who are use less and can draw no revenue from their activities but who are used as political operators.

this is all speculation.


you might start by looking at the curious relatinship of Mt Ida College and UMass.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0b4 June 26, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.6845792   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the colleges also issue bonds.

the college bonds are not paid back, at a state college, by any tax dollars (in Massachusetts, for example, maybe different in other states).

so it's the students, through tuition, who ware on the hook to pay back that kind of bond.

who buys that kind of bond?

what rate of return does that kind of bond provide for the buyers?

are those bonds generally available, or only available to 'frenz' of the college administrators?

where does the money taken in by those issues (by the college) get spent?

why do college administrators, many of whom are ex-politicians 'feather up' with terms running colleges and then leave with gigantic pensions?


and how do these 'low cost' student loans fit into the whole equation?

why should an expol get fat on a pension from a public college?