Anonymous ID: 986e50 Dec. 19, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.7564438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5625



>Cicada 3301 [Time sink].

>Red Triangle [Time sink].


Flat Earth [Time sink].

Flat Earth solved by Schuler Tuning.






>After finishing our hot chocolate, grandpa handed me a small spirit-level and we headed back to the Earth Plane for another experiment. Pointing at the instrument panel, he said, "this is called an attitude indicator or an artificial horizon; it uses a gyroscope to track the pilot's orientation relative to Earth's horizon. So when we lift-off and start gaining altitude, the indicator will pitch up and the bubble in your spirit-level will rise forward away from you. Once we reach cruising altitude, I will level the plane, and both the artificial horizon and your spirit-level will confirm this. We will continue to fly perfectly straight and leveldue south all night long, then tomorrow morning I will decrease altitude, the indicator will pitch down and the bubble in your spirit-level will fall backward towards you until landing then level off again. If we were really flying over a globe and not alevel plane Earth I would have to regularly dip the nose decreasing altitude to compensate for the globe's curvature or else would find myself regularly gaining altitude simply by flying level! This is absurd, as no pilot in history has ever experienced gaining altitude by simply flying level, but this is what must happen if we lived on a globe!"




Flat Earth [Time sink].

Flat Earth solved by Schuler Tuning.