The Liberal nomination for the by-election was rigged for Freeland?
Diana Burke, Liberal Hopeful In Toronto Centre, Says Party Rules Keep Supporters From Voting
09/11/2013 06:41 EDT | Updated 09/11/2013 08:58 EDT
Althia RajThe Huffington Post Canada
A Liberal candidate in Toronto Centre says party rules will prevent hundreds of her supporters from casting…
A Liberal candidate in Toronto Centre says party rules will prevent hundreds of her supporters from casting a ballot in next week's nomination race — a move that could favour Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's favoured candidate, journalist Chrystia Freeland. (Twitter/CP)
A Liberal candidate in Toronto Centre says party rules will prevent hundreds of her supporters from casting a ballot in next week's nomination race — a move that could favour Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's preferred candidate, journalist Chrystia Freeland.
Diana Burke, a Royal Bank executive, long-time Liberal organizer and resident in the riding, announced her candidacy on Aug. 13. She told HuffPost Tuesday that she signed up hundreds of new members only to learn on Aug. 27 that anyone who bought a membership after Aug. 20 would not be allowed to vote on Sept. 15.
"I do have a lot of friends who were signed up who are a little upset they can't vote for me," she said in a phone interview.
"Hard work and hope is sort of what I ran my campaign on, and we were all working hard hoping to get these votes out, so it is a bit, sort of a concern," she said, referring to Trudeau's 'hope and hard work' slogan.
"Nobody has called me up and said (Freeland) is the candidate of choice. Justin Trudeau talks about an open nomination, so I believe that I am following Justin's position on nominations."
Freeland appeared several times between 2010 and 2015 as a panellist on Real Time with Bill Maher.[62][63][64][65][66][67]
Historically, the riding was one of the few in central Toronto where the Progressive Conservatives usually did well. The PCs held the riding for 34 of the 58 years from 1935 to 1993. However, it has been in Liberal hands without interruption since 1993. The 2012 federal electoral redistribution shifted much of the wealthier northern part of the riding, which included Rosedale, to the new riding of University—Rosedale.[2]
The riding was represented by former interim Liberal leader Bob Rae after the federal by-elections of March 17, 2008. Rae resigned from Parliament on July 31, 2013.[3][4]
She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian history and literature from Harvard University and a Master of Studies degree in Slavonic Studies from St Antony's College, Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar in 1993.[4][26]
red shoes
Rhodes Scholar
She is the co-owner, with her sister, of an apartment which overlooks the Maidan square in Kiev.[38]