Anonymous ID: 4d74b5 July 10, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6985362   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>5554087 lb (was notabled)

>>6173503 lb (was notabled)

>>6173795 lb

>>6982033 lb

>>6983929 lb


Posts 6922033 and 6983929 describe how Haroon K. Ullah pleaded guilty to theft of government money. Details are at:


Ullah worked for U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Chief John F. Lansing, an Obama appointee. Lansing fired eight reporters and editors for a broadcast critical of George Soros because disgraced New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez complained about the story five months after it originally aired (and was available online for months). Menendez blocked President Trump’s nomination last year to replace Lansing as USAGM chief.


Under Lansing, the Voice of America >damaged taxpayer-supported U.S. international broadcasting operations as follows (from >>6173795):


>"The elimination of the VOA Arabic service, to the immense benefit of Al-Jazeera."

>"The elimination of the Russia radio broadcasts, to the immense benefit of autocratic Russia."

>"The near-elimination of Mandarin and Cantonese broadcasts, to the immense benefit of communist China.""


Why hasn't POTUS fired Lansing or asked for his resignation? And put an acting in his place instead of a Senate-confirmed replacement?


U.S. Government Media Network Fires Journalists Over Report Critical of Soros

MARCH 05, 2019


At the request of a scandal-plagued Democratic senator tried for bribery and corruption, the head of the government’s international media networks is abusing his office to punish employees behind a broadcast critical of leftwing billionaire George Soros. U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Chief John F. Lansing, an Obama appointee, is utilizing Stalinist techniques to retaliate against the journalists and producers involved in the Spanish-language segment which aired in May 2018 on Television Martí and was available for months online. Eight reporters and editors at the taxpayer-funded media outlet have been fired and Lansing has ordered a review of all content to address “patterns of unethical, unprofessional, biased, or sub-standard journalism.”


An employee at the Miami, Florida-based Martí headquarters said in a local newspaper report “the environment that has been created by the upper hierarchy of the Agency for Global Media is repressive. People write with fear. Adjectives are no longer used.”


Television Martí—and its radio counterpart—operate under the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) and comprise one of the USAGM’s five international multimedia networks. The others are Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting. The media outlets get about $685 million a year from American taxpayers and reportedly reach 345 million people worldwide in 59 languages. The global media agency was created to counter disinformation spread by oppressive regimes abroad. The USAGM website states that its mission is “to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy.” Television and Radio Martí were created to promote freedom and democracy by providing the people of Cuba with objective news and information programming.


The Soros broadcast focused on his efforts to cripple sovereign governments in Latin America. Judicial Watch was cited as a source because it investigated State Department funding of Soros groups in Colombia and published a report on Soros’ initiatives to advance a radical globalist agenda in Guatemala. Judicial Watch also released a special report documenting the financial and staffing nexus between Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) and the U.S. government. In that document, Judicial Watch connects the dots between U.S.-funded entities and OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. A few years ago Judicial Watch exposed a scheme in which the U.S. government spent millions of dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with Soros’ OSF.


[Moar at website]