If you look close enough you might see… Flags. Flags are symbols.
If you dig around the internet at artwork of ships from the period when ships where starships, you will see lots flags. You will see flags of nations, and you will see East and West India Corporation flags, and you will see masonic flags. What flags did the saracens fly?
The colors are important.
Red is red lodge = Grand Orient masonry, dominant on the european continent since Weishaupf's jesuit coup. Red is socialism, communism, bolshevism and MB. Considering how much blood this lodge has spilled, red is appropriate. It hides the stains.
Blue is blue lodge = Scottish Rite = Templars and probably Hospitalers. Blue is republicanism and zionism.
Black = Jesuits = illuminati = pirates
White = Vatican = Rome = Reich 1 = Reich 2 = Reich 3.
As Bill Cooper said, the gangs flying these colors respect each other and consider non-gang members to all be cattle. All government puppets work for these colors. These colors own the MSM and share the cost amongst themselves. You can learn a lot about the bankster pecking order just by looking at who is picking up which bills. All organized crime is organized under these colors. Crips are entry level banksters.
These groups and others are fighting over whose reich the 4rth will be.
Green is Islam.
The distribution of these colors on national flags, club logos and gang colors is worth noting.
"If you are not one of us you are nothing" - They all agree on this. But only untermensch join gangs.