Looking for advice from any American lawfags here, please.
A friend works for a large international children's charity. She has concrete evidence of financial mismanagement on a huge scale. I've been trying to get her to blow the whistle on them for a long time, suspecting that there's much more shit going on behind the scenes and that it all ties in with (((them))). Cited Q repeatedly, but she always thought I was a kook.
But now, Epstein is public knowledge. And yesterday, we were discussing it again and suddenly it all fit together for her. She woke up.
Here's my question, though: who does she blow the whistle to? Does she just pick up the phone and call the switchboard of the FBI? or DOJ? or what? She's has some damning evidence and I'm kinda worried about her talking to the wrong people and getting hurt.
She's pretty intimidated about initiating contact, so I said I'd try to help. If anyone knows any specifics on what she should do, please share, tyvm