And thats why no one wants to learn to bake…..
My morning logic today…
Re: The "Virgin" islands (pun obvisously intended by me, and whoever named them)
The US gets "virgin" islands…
The UK gets "virgin" islands…
The Dutch get Aruba……dig the origin of the name Aruba…
Thats a big, fat negative fren…that article wont be written for 100 years…
IDK, there are soooooo many different opinions here, how would anons even come to a consensus?
Im sorry, but until I see some half eaten babies, the farthest I am willing to go is massive blackmail, on a global scale, to dictate world policy. That blackmail does involve children.
That Clinton was a dirty Madame Secretary, who traded $$$ for favors and hid that activity on a secret server, in her basement.
That Uhma made a copy of the files, and hid them in her basement, as insurance, and none of it would have come out, if her husband wasn't a pedophile.
That the Obama administration actively worked against the election of Trump through the DOJ & FBI, and continued their efforts afterwards, even up to this day…
Those are all plausible, mo probable theories that explain the current state of affairs…
I might even buy an elite pedophile ring involving pizza. But, in the absense of evidence, I am not buying baby eating, bloodletting adenocrome……but this is all just my opinion…
I didnt deny it, only stated proof is required.
As far as why Q would post such things? I couldnt tell you, I am not privy.
I am smart enough to see this board is 90% utter bullshit.
But its that 10% that keeps me coming back….
This board is not revealing anything to Q. This board is revealing Q to the world, as intended, as evidenced by my presence here. I am not your typical conspiracy theorist, so if he is reaching me…he is reaching anyone who chooses to know…