Just a little, well maybe not so little, post to vent on a Sunday morning as I drink my covfefe and read my Bible.
Got pissed all over again as I remembered how I've known for years about so much of what Q → points us toward.
I've known since childhood in the 60's I was living in a [Satanic World Sys].
Even back in the 70's 80's & 90's I'd sit in the coffee shops or diners where I lived, and I've lived many places around the world, and talk with others who were aware of the same stuff I was.
We were the "conspiracy theory nuts".
We were "those guys" → The ones who thought 'the government' was out to get us.
We were considered paranoid.
We talked about:
[The British / India / Afghanistan / Pakistan / China - Opium Wars] = Methods of [Population Suppression & "Pacification"]
[The 'Fed'] - As an illegal, unconstitutional entity stealing (our) money.
[The Bolshevik Revolution] in Russia - How it was facilitated by
Robber-Baron [Cabal] members in the USA & UK etc…
[The Lusitania Sinking - FF]: In the sense that it was a set-up to get the USA into WWI.
[C_A, MI6 et al] - [Global Mafia] Intel Agencies = Designed to 'Look Out for Number 1' → (((Them))).
[Pearl Harbor - FF]: In the sense that it was all a set-up to get the USA into WWII.
[USA & UK gave China to Mao & the communists after WWII].
[Operations 'Paperclip' & 'Gehlen'] - Transfer of Nazi war criminals to the UK & USA after WWII → by criminal [clowns] [SIS] et al.
[Korean War] - Military Industrial Complex = War-game w/ China & Russia involved.
[JFK Assassination] - Inside job. We have a good idea of the players.
[MLK Assassination] - See JFK comment above.
[Vietnam War] - See comments above. Same players.
[Marine Barracks Bombing] - This pattern repeats.
[Secret Societies] - Freemasonry, Shriners, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Scientology etc…
[The United Nations (UN)] - Globalist Org designed to consolidate power under the [Global Mafia/Cabal].
[Ruby Ridge]
[Gold Fringe on the American Flag]
[Illegal Judicial/Court System under Maritime Law] - [Cabal] = Complete control of a comp'd system.
[MK Ultra / Mass Shootings / School Shootings] - "Manchurians" = Mind-Controlled & Conditioned, then Triggered.
[Area 51]
[Rigged Elections / Voting Machines etc.] - [Cabal] Controlled.
[Big Biz] = Rigged
[Big Pharma] = Rigged
[Big Med Sys] = Rigged
[Corporatized Ag & Food Sys] = Rigged & poisoned.
[FEMA et al] - Gov. docs laying out the [Illegal & Unconstitutional Suppression & Pacification of (us) Americans, 'We The People'.
[Hollywood] - Subversive, anti-American propaganda machine.
[Operation Mockingbird] - Complete control of ALL Corp. Media = the [MSM]
There's moar but I must stop.
And that's just little old 'average Joe American' me.
Imagine what the Q team & above Top Secret Intel Operators know.
"The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital."
(but I have to correct Q)
POTUS is not our savior.
I am behind him & pray for him, but:
God in Jesus Christ → Is our Savior, w/ a capital (S).
Be Blessed anons.