it's the final week of our [AT THE MOVIES 2019] series, so i figured why not go out with a bang…
it's the final week of our [AT THE MOVIES 2019] series, so i figured why not go out with a bang…
the best article i have found so far:
I’ve been a writer and producer of television and movies working in Hollywood for over 30 years. One of my recent jobs was on the TV series Homeland, where I was involved in creating the season just concluded. The season was about information warfare. It’s a little-discussed subject, and it took a lot of research to find out exactly what this protean form of conflict is all about. The past season of Homeland offers a pretty good primer in some of the basic techniques and counter techniques.
In the course of my duties I happened to be loitering in a corner of the net frequented by cyber mercenaries, some of whom were likely also associated with state intelligence agencies, as well as a good number of neo-Nazis and anonymous individuals who post pictures of their genitals. That’s how you win Emmys.
Last October, I was in this anonymous digital casbah when something entirely ordinary happened. A poster dropped some “bombshell” intelligence. This anonymous entity called himself “Q” short for Q clearance patriot, and became known as Qanon, or Q-anon. A Q clearance is the highest security clearance issued by the Department of Energy. It’s basically a go-anywhere, talk to anyone, look at anything pass.
“Anons,” as the anonymous contributors to these forums are called, are often misfits. Some are autistic, or identify as such. These autists pride themselves on their ability to discriminate, to see things normal people miss, and on never being deceived. So there was no way they were buying Q.
On the chans, the cluster of websites known as 4chan and 8chan, there’s something called a LARP, which stands for Live Action Role Play. Anonymous imposters are common as dirt, and the autists thrive on ripping their pretense to shreds. So they set on Q like termites on fresh pine.
Q was supposedly a Trump confidant, working inside the administration. He had access to the man himself and to the most sensitive intelligence on key fronts. His posts were framed as dispatches from the shadow war between the establishment and Trump, the intended audience for which was the weird, huge pro-Trump digital community which definitely does not get its news from ThinkProgress, or the New York Times, or even Fox News. You might think of it as Twitter for the great unwashed.
Yet where Twitter is a single “micro-blogging” advertising platform controlled by a man named Jack Dorsey who presents himself as having left-leaning celebrity-friendly politics, the underground community that Q was targeting does not have a single, shiny, brand-name home. Instead, it lives on a variety of bulletin boards, Facebook pages, etc. which host long forensic chains, and serve as assembly and distribution points for photo-hieroglyphic memes, which help knit this community together.
i will need a few things written as well (in the next couple months)
I have a helluva story.
and I feel like DJT would want us to hash it out and get it to the public BEFORE we go back to vote for 2020…
If I could get an anon to collab and hammer out some of these facts i have stored in my head (about the craziness that has habbened here over the last 2 years) that'd be great.
relax fren.
it's sunday.
let's hate each other tomorrow er somethin'…
'tis a beautiful day!
you know what time it is…