Anonymous ID: fbc7a1 July 21, 2019, 3:58 a.m. No.7119324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9356



The Keystone Application: Evergreen – [Their] Keystone


Q has implied to us that their are many different keystones operating in differing classifications/orders in numerous contexts.


For example, Q told us in #140 that the US is the 'keystone nation' of all the nations in the world.


Following this argument, Evergreen (think Jake Tapper panic tweet) was their 'chosen one', who would have led the US, perpetuating the feeding of the eye via all the slush funds (refer to Q # 133 attached) until they/she had stripped our country fully, imploding the last of America's economic & military prowess (i.e. America For Sale), then closing out the US' leadership with planned war(s), extermination event(s), etc.


Had HRC won, she would have been the leader of the keystone nation, overseeing the execution of their world governance transfer. Thus, she would have been bearing all the weight/responsibility (i.e. keystone) as the "finisher" – the one who would have finally executed the ushering in of their new (satanic) age of global governance – the NWO.


#MadHatter said in an email to HRC, "you are our Queen" . Queen = High Priestess (in their demonic belief system).


Occult temples, such as the one of JE's Island, typically have a High Priest and/or a High Priestess.


The High Priestess (refer to image) sits between the Freemasonry Pillars of ‎Jachim and Boaz. She is the uniting force, acting as the arch and keystone over the pillars, bearing all the weight, in order to create the entry way into the new Satanic Age. In this context, the High Priestess of the temple acts as a vital 'keystone':


"Symbolically, the stone is the last placed, completing the arch created by the pillars Jachim and Boaz. It is analogous to 'coagulation' in the alchemical process, an emblem of completion."


Q has confirmed to us that the temple operation belongs to "H", which is way of saying that the temple is dedicated to HRC – 'D-Room H. D-Room R, D-Room C' (Qmap # 1001 & 3357).


She is the patron anti-saint if you will, or the high priestess of the JE's Temple Operation.

I believe it is an abstracted/idealized version of her face on the sundial. JE is but a custodial front.


Of course the highest order 'keystone' in their demonic belief system, would be the anti-christ, himself. Of course, that is what their NWO is all about– preparing for his brief rule.


They never thought she would lose… their supreme-puppet High priestess.


GOD WINS, as always