American Anon here in Germany
I find it amazing how asleep the Germans are to what is really going on.
Many are Anti-Trump, If you tell them anything, lots of eye rolling.
Conspiracy theory! One guy, whom I work with, got sort of interested,
but eventually, he got really irrate and indicated he & his info was on a much higher level
compared to me. I’m up here, you’re down here. He was pretty upset. KEK
Another colleague, mentioned QAnon to me, but with the dialect, took me a few
to realize he meant QAnon. He is relatively open, yet hasn’t really looked into it.
He now relies on me. I currently advertise Q, by wearing Q t-shirts every day.
The Cabal must be pumping mass amounts of money into economy to keep them asleep.
Also, wondering what exactly will be the kingpin that’s set the ball in motion? I think it will be Child/Humantrafficking,
where I thought I fould something strange concerning children, but DE Anons assured me it was normal.
I don’t go to their board too often, so wasn’t really sure what to make of it.
Maybe the Deutsche Bank will have an effect if a bailout is required.
I think the last thing they want is Germans wide awake. That would be their death.
I’m also wondering about the end game. Are they that devious that they would try to
kill as many of us as possible? I mean, using chemicals, poisoning food & water, etc?
I can envision it. I’m always very aware of my surroundings, but this is something that
would become an issue
If anything of significance comes up, will report further.
Here one of the shirts I advertise with