Good morning Anons,
Could anyone show location on this picture of the underground doors? Last night we were talking about earth moving, and truck route evidence of excavation.
Picture one is the island. If my theory is correct.. these blue/green doors will be lower than the tennis courts please edit map, and locate pieces of interest, (door ways)
Pic two is. Quarry I have frequented as a "Trucker"
I see similarities here, another anon and I figured appox 60 truckloads of dirt make up the sloped areas of the tennis courts (10-14 cubic yards) "20 tons" per truck.
The roads indicate a gradual incline as to be easy on heavy equipment, (trucks can't pull hard grades heavy steep inclines for long periods of time)
My gut is telling me, the the tennis courts are the roof to the entire underground complex.. the dirt excavated laid overtop of the facility..
Almost done like a landfill..