Anonymous ID: 798759 July 26, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.7199847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9877 >>9883

msnbc showin its tru colors - someone trying to act like hellie is making fun of Rocky and the African American community and downplaying POTUS TRUMP true actions and feeling getting someone out of PRISON


msnbc like kam kam only like LOCKING people up.. biden, prison // crime bill 50 years for lookin at a pussyhat with disgust, no justice for ROCKY


FUCK YOU MSNBC #bencolliins #trannyboy

Anonymous ID: 798759 July 26, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.7199885   🗄️.is 🔗kun

msnbc going full jihad reporter activist


calling Saudia Arabia and other middle eastern counties –ENEMIES


-how about Israel?



All the countries were the REFUGEES come from?


msnbc are niggers who hate anyone of color