done workfagging
>Welcome in my daily live… I am sued by the GOV for "Volksverhetzung"… Free speech is dead here! Nice to see you here in Cabal city! We will win!
take it slow Anon. We will need woke anons like you at the end game
>That they don't see it already is pretty sad. It's been a problem for many years and should have been "done in" years ago. But they protected it by sacrificing other banks.
shows how good the brainwashing is + the jobs + pay seems keep them in the dark
>love the shirt too.
thanks got 7 need to get a few more
I'm the conspiracy dealer at my work
>it's not really you he fights, but control for what he thinks are his own thoughts. You've planted a seed, it might grow…
I know,Q said to be there when the SHTF to provide support & comfort. Plant a seed, which my t shirts also do
I don't take it personal. My first battle will be to take (((Them))) down in the US, once won, my focus will turn to the EU.
In the end it is my fight, God sent me + I knew long ago somethings not right. (((They))) should've killed me long ago & didn't
Just call me The Rooster, ain't never gonna die
BTW...Did we talk a while ago here & then on the German board?
What pisses me off these bastards have blood on their hands. May God provide comfort & support to their victims
Has anyone done a dig on Carola Rakete? Humantrafficking. I did a short dig and found an article which debunkt she might be Daniel Kübelbock KEK
Wouldn't be surprised if Bohlen was in on this. I seriously think a German dig should be done on Humantrafficking
EVERYONE better be prepared for the worst at the end game....
I’m wondering about the end game. Are they that devious that they would try to kill as many of us as possible? I mean, using chemicals, poisoning food & water, etc?
These MEMEs I stole from here, and many more which I use on twat