Why do I only ever see a depiction of Jesus defiled on this board?
Why is Muhammad never depicted in a reviling way?
Why is not Buddha?
Why are they not disrespected on this board?
Why is only Jesus treated as unholy by the shills?
Is it because (((they))) fear Truth?
(((They))) are so stupid that they prove Christ's validity by trying to discredit Him.
Do they revile those whom (((they))) fear has power to break chains?
Do they only admire, and show deference, to those whom they know to be false?
You know the answer.
Open your eyes, O sleeper.
The Truth is offensive, and as Q has said, hard to swallow.
It is this:
That humankind is naturally wicked, and headed for eternal damnation for breaking God's Law, and only thru
repentance and belief in the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ,
can your soul be saved.
Follow Him.