The Order of the White Lion is the highest order of the Czech Republic.
But it also has occult / astrological significance.
The Ancient Egyptians believed that the world was created at the time when the Sun rose in Leo near the star Denebola. The Sphinx commemorated the Birth of the Sun when the Sun precessed from the sign of Virgo into Leo, around 10,500 B.C. (the Sun/Son born of a Virgin).
The Sphinx faces East at the exact location where the Sun rises on the day of the vernal equinox (21 March). At sunrise on the vernal equinox around 10.500 B.C. the Sun aligned itself with the constellation Leo, its own celestial counterpart image in the sky …
All of the significant stars and constellations along one side of the Milky Way in a 360 degrees view along the Milky Way are represented by some odd 50 pyramids along the Nile (representing the Milky Way on the ground) and include Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, Andromeda, Pegasus and Canis Major.
With this discovery the ancient writings of Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus) who in the Emerald Tablets wrote …
'Egypt is an image of the heavens … The whole cosmos dwells here' …
The Sphinx-Leo connection becomes undeniable when we view the Giza plateau from above. The angle between the Sphinx and the pyramids of Kufhu and Kahfre is the same angle on the ground as the angle between the Orion belt and the sign of Leo in the sky. While the Sphinx is gazing at the Nile, Leo is gazing at the Milky Way. This is compelling evidence that indeed the Sphinx is symbolic to its counterpart in the sky…