Anonymous ID: e11f62 July 28, 2019, 5:23 a.m. No.7227641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7653

the big truth that people couldn't handle is…


that the elite of Judaism participated in the mass mind maniuplation of the people by convincing Constantine to see the wisdom in using soft, mind power in combination with military and economic power for complete domination.


The elite of Judaism largely then became Crypto-jews, long before the modern term which tends to refer to the Muranos in spain.


Now, the Catholic Church already having a lot of pagan worship knowledge, was gifted sections of the darker arts, and that is why almost every catholic church is actually on an site with occult significance, often with old pagan altars hidden underneath the "christian" altar.


Rothschilds are guardians of the papal treasure, and admit that they would never be considered "aristocrats" by the English. Given that it was largely the black nobility who caused the reformation (don't shoot the messenger, this was a hard pill to swallow at first for me too, seeing how much the reformation and subsequent enlightenment era were foundational to our founding documents) it starts to come into play that perhaps the opposition between the head of the protestant anglican church and the papacy was more for show in the last 100-200 years or so than it was real opposition.


John Coleman states that Queen Victoria unified the opposing parties including the black nobility by becoming the titular head of what became "the greater black nobility" not just to include the Venetian and Italian (Romans), but also the (post-Roman dominated) elite of Europe and the UK ( of course before EU and UK but you get my drift)


So, if that is true, among a few other indicators I haven't referenced, we can mostly assume the papacy and the British/German(etc) are more aligned than they are at odds.


That leaves the luciferian and darker sects of Judaism. What they did was two-fold, one, they focused up until the last 100 years or so on money and commodities. Two, they started intermarrying and interbreeding into the aristocracies so that they could eventually exert their influence with less restriction.


The bottom line is that they are all occultists, that to these people a war that kills a few thousand or even a hundred thousand is merely daily duties of an Aristocrat- born to rule and decide the fates of men. So what is a child sacrifice when you just sacrificed thousands of mens lives on the red altar of war? A pittance. It is nothing to them.


What do they hate and fear though?


America and it's foundational principles. That is what unites all of these groups. Not a single one can abide a truly free people establishing a truly free nation that's goal is continuous self-improvment. (for we know how imperfect we have implimented our ideals).


THAT is the real issue. All three of the power groups always have and likely always will despise America and have been working for hundreds of years (sometimes together, sometimes in opposition) to weaken, subvert, and infiltrate our government FROM THE TOP DOWN.


This is where the blackmail ops come in. Some are papal blackmail (jesuit etc), some are illuminati blackmail (skull and bones an offshoot, etc), the end result being that almost any high level person is already comped somehow. They may not even know it, but the second they fight, the blackmail material is then made known.

Anonymous ID: e11f62 July 28, 2019, 5:39 a.m. No.7227751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7833 >>7855 >>8013

Trump is pre-controlled just like the rest of them, Q is a data-science backed psyop to time-distract you real patriots. Israel isn't last… it's last because it's never…


Wake Up Anon.

Wake Up.


While the research we do is good. What we are doing is providing them a glimpse of our abilities. They are probably using all the echelon bullshit they can to gobble up all the data on the people posting here (you think vpn's help? ha!) and so they can see what kind of research is being done so they know what best to hide and prepare limited hangouts and half-truth media reports about.


I highly suspect Q = Cambridge Analytica


Trump only plays 5d when he listens to certain advisors and generals. He plays -1d when he listens to others (Bolton, Pompeo, etc).


The real down and dirty truth is that T is probably pre-compromised, but after they have time delayed enough they have cleaned up the threads that lead to the real big players, and will allow T to hit a few people (like Epstein)…. but it will end with those people, the threads up the chain won't be followed, and real justice will continue to be mostly a pipe dream.


Wake up Anon. You are Real. Q is not.

Anonymous ID: e11f62 July 28, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.7228297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8302


Mueller aint running shit stealth.


He's deep state for a long time, since Iran-Contra at least….


Fucking wishful thinkers. "My imagination is as good as your reality!"